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Archaeology is still discovering more evidence all the time about the earliest people in the Americas; there is still much more information to be discovered.

Until recently it was thought that the Clovis people (Palaeo-Indians) were the very earliest migrants from what is now Asia into what is now the Americas, dating to around 11,000 - 13,000 years ago.

Archaeology has now confirmed the existence of an even earlier wave of people, called Pre-Clovis and dating to perhaps more than 15,000 years ago.

The exact routes of the waves of migration are also still being studied, with more possibilities being proposed all the time. Many people consider that the Bering "Land Bridge" and the Pacific coastal route are very likely; it is possible (but not proven) that other migrations took place along other routes.

Science is still working on this one - stick around for another 500 years and we may know the answer.

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Q: When did the first people arrive in the Americas and which continent did they live in originally?
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