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Cyber bullies do this because they think they are able to hide behind a keyboard/screen and not be caught out. They will probably enjoy making people feel like nothing.

Little do they know that: when they connect to the internet, they always leave a trail behind which can be traced back to their address.

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Well, they can do it anytime or any age.

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Q: When do cyber bullies bully?
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What are roles of the people involved in cyberbulling?

Well, it's kind of like real bullies and real nerds. The cyber bully has the main role in cyber bullying. The other is the victim (the nerd)

Is it illegal to cyber bully in Pennsylvania?

Yes it is illegal to cyber bully in Pennsylvania and watch to movie cyber bully

Who is the bully in cyber bully?

The person that is sending the text\e-mail in cyber-bullying and he\she is the bully.

What is the plural of bully?

The plural of 'Bully' is 'Bullies'.

What is the biggest reson girls are bullyed?

because bullies are jealous of them bullies don't like them, bullies bully them because they are mean, or bullies bully because the girls are uncool

Is cyberbully spelled like cyber bully or cyber-bully?

Cyberbully. That is the way it is spelled. could be spelled like cyber bully or hyphen.

What makes a cyber bully different than a regular bully?

Cyber bullying is not only belly biting (taking small nips at first at the victim) but is a form of a lack of confidence in the bully or bullies themselves not to mention a vicious mean streak and they do so by text messaging or sending emails by name calling or threats of possible bodily injury to the victim. Often Cyber Bullying is more than one person and they may think it is fun to upset their victim simply because they may not like the victim for one reason or another or no reason at all. A regular bully is one who bullies students at school; in the neighborhood or at the workplace and bullies come in all age brackets and not just teens.

Why would they cyber bully?

sometimes cyber bullies do it because they feel self concious and choose an easy target to pick on so they can feel better about themselves, they think if they feel bad everyone else should aswell.

What do cyber bullies mainly use to bully other people?

Cyber bullies use text messages or the world wide web to send hurtful messages to others or hurtful posts, e.i pictures, quotes, videos, etc. If you are being cyber bullied, print out everything! Save the evidence! Show someone and get help. You're not alone. Always remember that! <3

What is the rootword of bullies?


What technology do cyber bullies use to bully people?

Facebook, twitter, myspace, text messaging, email, anything really on the internet that can send pms. (private messages)

How can cyber bullying be avoided?

Just make sure you are nice on that website. Or not offend anyone then you can become the target of the bully. Stay out of the bullies way and if he/she is mean to you. Report them then tell an adult.