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during a person's puberty


stressful times

when your makeup or skincare products do not suit your skin type


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13y ago
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13y ago

There is no age for you to get pimles i started having pimples when i was ten years old.

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Related questions

What is breaking out pimples?

Getting a lot of pimples suddenly and in the same area.

Is getting pimples good?

No. Pimples is not good for face. It decreases the beauty.

Does facial hair cause pimples?

Yes it does! Pimples start deep in the dermis of the skin, at the hair follicle.

What is out break?

Getting a lot of pimples suddenly and in the same area.

My chin is shiny and is getting pimples how do I fix that?

The best way to fix your shiny chin and pimples is to use a low foaming wash that is formulated for acne.

Why is it important to keep skin clean?

You can avoid getting Pimples and it keeps You healthier

If a girl is cheating will she get pimples anywhere on her body?

Maybe. Cheating does not cause pimples. Being nervous about getting caught cheating can cause excess oil on the skin, which can cause pimples. Lots of soap and warm water should get you through.

What are the side effects of eating a rotten egg?

Getting alergies like pimples on your skin

Is eating wheat germ good for getting rid of pimples?

Yes, most definitely!

How can one avoid getting scars from pimples?

To avoid getting scars from pimples, do not pop any that require excessive force or are not yet finished with the cycle. If a pimple has a clear whitehead and is ready to be popped, use a sterilized needle and clean it with alcohol afterward.

Does Zac Efron get pimples?

Yes he had to wear make-up.!LOL, but he's cute anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most teens get some pimples (some more than others) and it's due to hormones. Generally pimples will start to go away as a teen gets older and there are many products out there that can keep pimples at bay.

Start as small pimples in scape and gets red?

you need to buy medicine ass