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They sleep all of the time. During the day or night, they sleep as they please. They are light sleepers.

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Q: When does a African Side Neck Turtle sleep?
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Related questions

How old is your African side neck turtle?

The lifespan of an African side neck turtle can reach above 25 years of age. These reptiles live in lakes, rivers and shallow pools.

Where would you see a side necked turtle?

African side neck turtles come from Africa but sometimes when there imported to where you are, it depends where you live. my African side neck lives in water and can breath on land so you could also find them at ponds two and some types of warm water.

What kind of turtle has a a long tail spikes and a jagged edged shell?

Black-knobbed map turtle or an Alligator snapping turtle

What are the rare turtles names?

Name of some of the rare turtles in the world are Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle and the Texas dino turtle. The Alligator Snapping Turtle and the Pink Belly Side Neck Turtle are other rare turtles.

What if your turtle has a lump on the side of its neck?

It is more than likely it is cancerous. And can be treated only be seeing a vet. Mine had the same problem.

Can the types of pillows you sleep on cause neck pain?

Yes, If something is not giving you adequate support it can shift the spine creating nerve pressure and pain.Often people sleep with something to big under their neck or something too thin. Both of these create poor neck posture and alignment. This manifests itself into tight neck muscles and neck pain. When you turn on your side with something tooo big or too small your head will be tilted up or down. This puts alot of strain on the neck muscles and often you may finfd you awake with a stiff neck. What you want to get is something called a "support pillow" or "neck Pillow".

Do African Side neck Turtles need a tank?

Mine do not need a tank. They use shoulder mounted missles and Predator aircraft.

Where do hey check your pulse?

At your wrist or along the side of your neck At your wrist or along the side of your neck

What kind of turtle is the turtle that has red stripes on the side of there neck?

Red-eared sliders. They are classified as semi-aquatic turtles- meaning they spend most of their time in the water but still require land.

What does the snake neck turtle eat?

long necked turtles eat a variety of foods such as crayfish, tadpoles and fish.

Why do people sleep on pillows?

Some people like to lay on their side

What side is better for you to sleep on?

it doesnt matter what side but when someone is pregnet it is best to sleep on your side