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During the S - [Synthesis] phase of Interphase.

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Q: When does a Dna molecule replicate?
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A characteristic of a DNA molecule that is not a characteristic of a protein molecule is that the DNA molecule?

A characteristic of a DNA molecule that is not characteristic of a protein molecule is that the DNA molecule can replicate itself.

First molecule able to replicate itself?


What unzips the DNA molecule so it can replicate?


How does the DNA molecule replicate itself?

through replication

Does the structure of DNA allow the molecule to replicate itself?


Does conjugation replicate DNA?

No conjugation is just the formation of conjucation tube for the transfer of replicating DNA molecule

What determines where on the DNA molecule transcription begins and ends?

An RNA primer will attach to the unzipped DNA molecule signaling the beginning of transcription and transcription will occur until the DNA molecule is completely copied (the end is when there is no more DNA molecule to replicate).

A zebra cell is just about to replicate its DNA What happens first?

Enzymes unwind the DNA molecule into two strands.

What is a cloning vector?

The original plasmid defined as a DNA molecule that can carry foreign DNA into a host cell and replicate there.

How does the cell replicate DNA?

Cells do not replicate "In DNA". Cells replicate their DNA during the process of cell division.

What sites separate and replicate in DNA?

replication forks separate and replicate DNA

Why does a cell need to replicate its DNA quickly?

In human cells about 50 nucleotides are added every second to a new strand of DNA at that rate it would take days to to replicate a molecule of DNA. So it replicates all along the chromosome so it only takes a few hours.