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Atoms are neutrally charged if they have equal numbers of protons and electrons. Technically speaking, all atoms have no net electrical charge - ions have a positive/negative charge.

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Q: When does an atom not have a net electrical charge?
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What is the charge of an unbonded atom?

There is no net electrical charge on an "unreacted" atom.

An ion is an atom with a net electrical charge due to .?

Gained or lost electron(s).

Is an atom with the same number of electrons and protons the electrical charge is?

The atom is neutral,, there is no net charge

Why does a free atom have no electrical charge?

A free atom has no electrical charge because it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Each proton has a single positive charge, and each electron has a single negative charge. These balance each other and the result is a net neutral atom (or no net charge).

What is an atom or a group of atoms having a net electrical charge?

It is an ion.

What is electrical charge in a neutral atom?

Neutral atoms always have a net charge of 0(zero).

What number is always equal to what so that an atom has no electrical charge in its normal state?

Electrons are equal to atomic number to have no net charge on an atom

What net charge does a sodium atom have?

A sodium atom has a net charge of zero. A sodium ion has a net charge of 1+.

How do you find the net electrical charge of the uranium atom?

The uranium atom is electric neutral; uranium cations exist from 2+ to 6+.

The net electrical charge of an atom is zero because it contains?

The net electrical charge of an atom is zero because it contains an equal number of protons(+) and electrons (-) There is also a neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, however as the name suggests, it is if NO charge (neutral).

Is the net charge of an atom always zero?

The net charge of an atom is always zero, because if an atom gains or loses electrons, causing it to acquire a net charge, we then call it an ion, rather than an atom.

Does an atom have an electric charge?

If there is an imbalance in the numbers of protons in electrons, then yes, an atom would have electrical charge.