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Q: When does lactic acid fermentation occur in animals?
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What is the end product of fermentation in animals?

It produces Lactic Acids, ethanol, hydrogen gas, Sugar, Carbon Dioxide.

During lactic acid fermentation alcohol and carbon dioxide are produced?

The process that produces ethanol is alcoholic fermentation. The process that produces lactic acid is lactic acid fermentation.

What are the products of fermentation in plants and animals?

The products of plant fermentation are alcohol fermentation, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, or lactic acid fermentation. No further energy is gained for the cell.

What type of fermentation can occur in animals?

When the oxygen supply runs short in heavy or prelonged excercise, muscles obtain most of their energy from an anaerobic (without oxygen) process called glycolysis. Yeast cells obtain energy under anaerobic conditions using a very similar process called Alcoholic Fermentation. Glycolysis is the chemical breakdown of glucose to lactic acid. This process makes energy available for cell activity in the form of a high-energy phosphate compound known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Alcoholic fermentation is identical to glycolysis except for the final step (Fig. 1). In alcoholic fermentation, pyruvic acid is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid from glycolysis produces a feeling of tiredness; the products of alcoholic fermentation have been used in baking and brewing for centuries.

What are the 2 types of fementation?

Alcaholic Fermination:*Pyruvic acid is converted to carbon dioxide and alcahol*Used to make bread, wine, beer, and ethenol.*bacteria and yeast.Lactic Acid Fermination:*Pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid.*Occurs in animal cells-A build-up of lactic acid causes muscle fatique and soreness

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Name a condition where lactic-acid fermentation would occur?

Making saurkraut is a lactic acid fermentation.

When does lactid acid and fermentation occur?

Lactic acid and fermentation occur during anaerobic metabolism.

What do lactic acid fermentation occur in?

The fermentation of milk occurs to form curd, of course lactic acid is released.

What does lactic acid fermentation occur in?

*muscle cells

What is priduced by animals during fermentation?

Lactic acid is produced by animals during fermentation .

Lactic acid fermentation is what type of process?

Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic process. This means that lactic acid is produced in the absence of oxygen. This usually occur in bacteria cells but can also occur in muscle cells.

What places does lactic acid fermentation occur in?

*muscle cells

What are reactants in fermentation?

In animals, fermentation is referred to as lactic acid fermentation. Its reactants include a sugar molecule, pyruvate and NADH. It produces lactic acid and releases energy.

What are the reactants in fermentation?

In animals, fermentation is referred to as lactic acid fermentation. Its reactants include a sugar molecule, pyruvate and NADH. It produces lactic acid and releases energy.

What are the fermentation reactants?

In animals, fermentation is referred to as lactic acid fermentation. Its reactants include a sugar molecule, pyruvate and NADH. It produces lactic acid and releases energy.

Alchoholic fermentation and Lactic Acid fermentation?

Yes? lactic acid fermentation produces only lactic acid alcoholic fermentation produces ethanol and co2

What is the end product of fermentation in animals?

It produces Lactic Acids, ethanol, hydrogen gas, Sugar, Carbon Dioxide.