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Q: When does the protostar become balanced?
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Do prostars become stars?

The term is "protostar", not "prostar". Yes. A protostar is an early stage of a star.

When does a protostar become a star?

The basic idea is that the protostar contracts, under the influence of gravity, until it gets dense and hot enough to undergo nuclear fusion. You can find more details at the Wikipedia article "Protostar".

What is the first step of stellar evolution?

The formation of a protostar from a nebula. As the protostar forms, it accretes more mass from the cloud and spins. As it gains more mass, it eventually becomes massive enough to ignite the core and become a star. The protostar is the first step in the evolution of any star.

What type of fuel does a protostar burn?

A protostar does not burn fuel as it is still taking part in nuclear fusion. It is, however, preparing to become a main sequence star, and will then burn mostly hydrogen at that stage.

Do protostars never become stars?

On the contrary, "protostar" is the name of an early stage in the development of a star.

When a protostar rises to 10000000 degrees celsius will a protostar become a star before or after nuclear fusion?

through the process of fusion, it becomes a star: the birth of the star is the start of fusion. therefore, it is after fusion that it is classified as a star.

What is the temperature of a protostar?

the color of the protostar is red

The earliest stage of a stars life is called a?

A Protostar.

Why does the temperature of a protostar increase?

As gravity pulls more material toward the center of the protostar, the pressure inside the protostar builds.

What is the difference between the protostar and the white dwarf?

A protostar is a star that is in the early stages of formation that has not yet become a main sequence star. A white dwarf is a remnant left behind after a low to medium mass star dies.

How long does a protostar live?

A protostar will live as long as 100,000 years. After material stops falling on the protostar it will enter then T Tauri star phase.

Are protostar a star?

A protostar is more like a stage previous to a star - before it ignites.