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Light, heat, sometimes sound.

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Q: When electricity runs through light bulb what other type of energy is produced?
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Related questions

How does light get into a bulb?

it is produced through electricity it is not sunlight

What kind of energy is being produced by sunlight - heat or electricity?

Sunlight is light, and it has light energy. Different types of solar panels can convert that to heat energy, or to electricity.

Give example of light energy that is not produced by electricity?

Gas light, kerosene lantern.

How can light energy be transformed into a different type of energy?

When light falls onto a photoelectric cell electricity is produced.

Light bulbs how does running electricity through the bulb create light?

The electricity runs through a coil of Tungsten. Tungsten has a very high resistance. As per Joule's Law, energy radiated is directly proportional to resistance. The energy radiated is so large that the coil starts to glow and light is produced.

When electricity flows through a light bulb it is converted into what two forms of energy?

kinetic energy and light energy.

When static electricity is discharged rapidly what forms of energy can be produced?

light heat and sound

When you turn on a tv what other forms energy is produced besides electricity and light?


How was the light bulb important?

It produced electricity It produced electricity

What are some of the forms of energy that can be produced from discharging static electricity rapidly?

Light, heat and sound

Which save more energy incandescent light bulbs or fluorescent?

Fluorescent light bulbs use less electricity for the amount of light produced.

What are light electricity and heat?

Light, electricity and heat are forms of energy. Light and electricity are forms of electromagnetic energy. Heat is thermal energy.