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What engine are you referring to here? Are you referring to an engine from a small "tool" like a chainsaw or a lawnmower? Or are you referring to an engine from a vehicle? Also, what type of engine are you talking about, like model, make, etc? Please be more specific in what you are asking so you can get a more proper answer.

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Q: When ever the engine is off there is a sound like a cow mooing?
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What is the onomatopoeia for a farmyard?

Onomatopoeia is the use of words which sound like the sound they represent. Such words as moo, baa, quack, miaow apply to the farmyard as in: The cows were mooing, the sheep baaing, the ducks quacking and the cat miaowing.

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It will make no sound, it will just break. When it breaks your engine will stop running. If the engine is an interference engine you will have serious engine damage.

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An engine might sound like a diesel at operating temperature if the engine was a diesel or if there was an issue with the manifold. Sometimes gases escaping the manifold cover could cause the engine to sound different.

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What is an example of onomatopoeia in a sentence?

Onomatopoeia is the use of words which sound like the sound they represent. He heard the cockerel crying "cockadoodledo", the ducks quacking, the cows mooing, the sheep baaing and a cat miaowing. A door banged and someone sneezed "atishoo". For breakfast he had a cereal that went "snap, crackle and pop" as he poured on the milk.

What is anomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles, or suggests the sound that it describes. It is often used in literature and language to create vivid imagery and sensory experiences for the audience. Examples include words like "buzz," "hiss," and "clang."

How do you make a astra mk4 sound like a Subaru?

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Just like every engine ever built, that depends entirely on how the engine is treated.