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An enzyme.

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Q: When iodine solution is mixed with an unknown sample of food the mixture turn blue black this color change indicates the presence of?
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How can I find out whether a unknown mixture has protein in it?

The most common method is the biuret test: in the presence of a copper(II) solution and NaOH the sample become violet.

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A positive Molisch's test result indicates the presence of carbohydrates.

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Sodium hydroxide is not an unknown solution.

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If you wish to test for the presence of halogen in an iodoform, then you must first inject the iodoform with a touch of helium. This helium will make the halogen react and change colors, making it notable in the iodoform.

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Geavel is not pure, it is an undescriptable mixture of unknown composition

If the flask were not thoroughly wiped dry how would this affect the molar mass?

The presence of water or cleaning solution will dilute or taint whatever is put inside. This change will affect the overall chemical property of the solution, causing a false mass and volume reading.

How can you test for the presence of ethanol?

Identification of the components of unknown mixture is a tricky business. Your best bet is to begin with fractional distillation. Using a typical claisen head and condenser set-up, measure the vapor temperature of all the fractions that are distilled from your mixture. The most volatile components will come off first, followed by the heavier and more polar components. Then you can emploly typical charecterization methods, such as IR, NMR, and GC/MS on those fractions to determine their identities. It may be that you have an azeotropic mixture, in which case you're in a much larger pickle.

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Equations are used to find the solution to the unknown variable.