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When it is not based on an answer about facts, and instead about the respondants interpretation of the question instead and the angle they choose to answer it from

based on their 'philosophical' thinking.

Philosophical Questions This is a very philosophical question. A question can be philosophical when it doesn't immediately make you think of any particular physical object. When this happens, it's the question's abstractness that makes it philosophical. For example, some philosophical questions have to do emotions or concepts, which many people do not think of as physical things. Though advances in Biology (neurobiology in particular) are making it increasingly possible to discuss emotions and concepts in physical terms, most people still don't do so. For example, you might often hear people ask, "But, what is love?" rather than "But, what is the neural activity that's occurring when someone feels that they are in love?" Therefore, you might say that some philosophical questions are ones about which the person raising the question has no physical object mind, even if the question could be restated in terms of physical objects. As far as I see, we live in a world fascinated by science- which believes in only those things which are acceptable through our sensory system means proved permanently through experiments.But there is ahuge knowledge hidden which we are not able yet to gain throgh the paths of science. Imagination can take you anywhere, beyond the confined world of theory and proves.And when you find any such answer which makes you realize that 'How limited our knowledge is!' ,then we name it philosophical answer. So I think a philosophical answer makes a question philosophical. And you know, Each question has an answer and each answer has a question! As far as I see we live in a world fascinated by science,that believes only in those things which are capable of being detected by our sensory system- producing same results through experiments, governed by rules and axioms(most fundamental principles). But beyond fundamentals ,beynd senses there exists a huge hidden world of knowledge.But by self imposed rules most of us deny to even give a thinking to it. When one thinks in that realm of thoughts one realizes 'How little our knowledge is'.We give such found answers name 'Philosophical'. So I think that a philosophical answer makes a question 'Philosophical' And you know, Each question has an answer and each answer has a question. When it may have no end, but a loved beginning as one opens his mouth to speak freely about a thing that has it's own form or none at all - borderless. Unframed, tossed and turned until each and every description used to paint the question becomes magnificently put together and answers itself through conceptual trains of thought, of course - where there are minds, there are undoubtedly many forms of human reaction to the sounds of a concept - this is the creation of a topic, the question is no longer of importance, but the initiator of a beautiful conversation amongst a calibre of people with mental "Substance" and passion for truth, knowledge & perception. Love words, Love the rhythm of speaking and the sound a mature mind makes when aroused by the challenges of provocative suggestions. That was a philosophical question. Much respect, a Platonian When it's the one question that keeps you up at night.

ANI Answer I like the idea of people progressively changing their perception of emotions from intangible, to a physical realm. What chemical is my brain producing? or what synapses in what section of my brain are firing? It is fun to think about but only for a few minutes, I don't think humans will ever see their own reality in a completely scientific spectrum. If we were to answer the question what is love. We would lose interest in it as a concept. The illusiveness, the unknown is what we seek and what we love. Humans love and hate the unknown and if they were know what love is it would lose what humans love about it. To answer the question, take apart the word philosopher. Philo , in latin, was a man who in his lifetime attempted to reform the thinking of the Jewish and Christian faith through his writings. which brings me to the next part of the word, Sopher. Sopher is the equivalent of a scribe or writer in Latin, but more specifically the one who asks questions.

In ancient times the Jewish and Christian belief was the walls of their reality, it was what defined their life as well as their afterlife. To question this force in its entirety was extremely bold but it got people reconsidering what they considered to be true.

As such the answer to your question is a Philosophic question is any question that challenges the faith and the truth of what an individual would consider their world. If you want more information on philosophers of today they are now called existentialists.

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