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Each woman has her own unique ovulation period. They can be tested through over the counter ovulation kits or by tracking a woman's cycle during a calendar month, starting the week after her period ends.

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Q: When is a womans ovulation period?
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Related questions

Do all women ovulate two weeks after their period?

No - typically ovulation occurs two weeks BEFORE menstruation, if a womans cycle is around 28 days that means it's also two weeks after her period but if her cycle is longer than ovulation will occur later than that. Everyones menstrual cycle is different.

Can a womans ovulation day change during her lifetime?

hon it can change every cycle

What if your period is August 10 when is your ovulation date?

Before you can calculate your ovulation day, you must first determine, the date of your last period's first day and you need to know your menstrual cycle. This two information is needed in order for you to calculate your ovulation using an ovulation calculator. The date of your period is not enough information, to calculate ovulation.

I get period 6.4.2012 when is my ovulation day?

you can expect ovulation 11- 15 day after you period started.If you have regular cycles your ovulation will hapens 20.4.2012.For more acurate resulate yuo must use a ovulation predictory kit.With this kit you will predict 24 before ovulation will occour.

Can smoking marajawana stop a womans period?

Not at all.

Can you get preganent while your on your period?

yes, it is very possible, you are just as able to get pregnant when on your period as you are before and after ovulation! (you are more likely during ovulation)

Does a womans menstrual cycle start the first day of bleeding?

Yes, a womans cycle is calculated from the first day of her period

When are women more likely to conceive?

Women are most likely to conceive at the time of ovulation. Ovulation can happen a week after your period until your next period.

Why are you having cramps weeks before your period?

This is normal. Women usually get cramps during ovulation and ovulation occurs a few weeks before your period

Is a woman fertile the day after ovulating?

Yes. The days immediately succeeding ovulation represent a womans most fertile period in the menstrual cycle. Remember that ovulation generally occurs around day 14 of her menstrual cycle, That means about 14 days since the onset of her last period. These calculations represent statistical approximations of a highly variable biological phenomenon and in NO way offer any measure of protection against getting pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if you have a 7 day period?

A number of days in a period has nothing to do with ovulation.

If i cant get pregnant is it because i ovulate during my period?

No, your period follows ovulation.