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When all inputs are HIGH.

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Q: When is the output of AND gate HIGH?
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WHY on making both the inputs high in the AND Gate the output becomes high?

The output of the AND gate is high when both inputs are high because that is the definition of an AND gate. (Ouput is true ONLY WHEN Input A AND Input B are true.)

A gate has a LOW output when only one of its inputs is HIGH What type of inverting gate is it?

The gate is called EXNOR gate. its output is high when only one input is high. the Boolean expression for this gate for two inputs A and B is AB+A'B'

What is the gate used to get high output when all the inputs are low?

A NOR gate

What is OR gate in logic gate?

1. NAND gate is used to invert the input A (by connecting A to both inputs). 2. NAND gate used to invert B the same way 3. Now put A' and B' into into a third NAND gate. The output will be (A'B')' which is equivalent to A+B.

What gate the output will be low for any case when one or more input are zero?

An inverter has a high output when the input is low, and a low output when the input is high.

Which IC digital gates requires a high on both inputs to output a high?

An AND gate

Which logic gate have output high if and only if all inputs are low?

A nor gate provides an output of 0 when any input is 1.Nor gate provides the opposite of or gate. An or gate provides a 1 or true output when any of the inputs is 1 or true. Therefore the opposite output would be provided by a nor gate.

What is the application of ice?

It's a "quad, 2 input nor gate". To understand the significance of a "nor" gate, you need to understand a little about digital logic. An "or" gate takes 2 or more digital inputs and if either is "on", the output will be on. (asserted high). A "nor" gate inverts the output of the "or" gate, meaning that when either of the outputs are "on", the output will be "off" (asserted low). The two input part of the description just indicates that it only accepts two inputs. So, simply stated: If either (or both) input(s) of a quad, 2 input nor gate is (are) asserted high, the output will be low. If both inputs are off (low), the output will be high.

What is the application of IC 4001?

It's a "quad, 2 input nor gate". To understand the significance of a "nor" gate, you need to understand a little about digital logic. An "or" gate takes 2 or more digital inputs and if either is "on", the output will be on. (asserted high). A "nor" gate inverts the output of the "or" gate, meaning that when either of the outputs are "on", the output will be "off" (asserted low). The two input part of the description just indicates that it only accepts two inputs. So, simply stated: If either (or both) input(s) of a quad, 2 input nor gate is (are) asserted high, the output will be low. If both inputs are off (low), the output will be high.

What are the fundamental logical gates?

The inverter, which returns the reverse of the input. The AND gate which returns a high output if and only if both inputs are high. The OR gate, which returns a high output if either or both inputs are high. The NAND and NOR gates return the opposite of their counterparts. They are basically the AND and OR gates with an inverter after them. The XOR gate is the exclusive OR gate; it returns a high output it either input is high, but not both. Every binary combination of outputs can be made from these operators. In fact, you don't even need all of them. The NAND and the NOR gate can both create every other gate.

Which IC gates will have a low output if either of the inputs are high?

A 2-input NOR (Negative OR) Gate produces a low output when either input (or both) are high.

Why diode logic gate is not suitable for cascading operation?

the pullup or pull down resistance in the diode logic gate makes it a high output resistance device.If u try to drive another diode logic gate with it the output voltage of the first gate will be affected by the resistance in the second gate.A diode logic gate should always drive a high input resistance input.