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Congress has to approve and vote on any treaties the president proposes, so its a good idea to get their input so the pres will know it will be approved

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Q: When making a treaty with a foreign country why is it wise for the President to work with the Senate?
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Whats na president?

A president is someone who tends to have a lot of control over a country and has responsibilities such as protecting it, making sure that other foreign locations do not attach the country he leads, and help regulate our economy.

What is the process of treaty making?

The President negotiates international agreements, and the Senate must approve it by a two-thirds popular vote before the treaty made by the president can become effective.... government stuffs can be so confusing.... :)

Why does the constitution require the president to seek approval from the senate?

The writers of the constitution likely put rules in place that require the president to have approval of the senate so that the president is making a reasonable actions, and to prevent something that could negatively affect the country.

Who is responsible for making US foreign-policy?

The President.

Who is responsible for making U.S. foreign policy?

The President.

What are the implied powers of the president in foreign policy making?

The implied powers of the president in foreign policy making is the draft. Abraham Lincoln implemented the draft during the civil war.

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As the main author of American foreign policy, the President acts as the nation's chief diplomat, representing the United States in dealings with other countries and making key foreign policy decisions on behalf of the country.

Which has the responsibitlty of making nominations for public office?

The President, and then the U.S. Senate approves then.

Presides over the senate in the absence of the vice president?

The President pro tempore of the Senate presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President. This position is usually held by the most senior member of the majority party in the Senate. The President pro tempore has the authority to lead the Senate and perform duties such as recognizing members to speak, making parliamentary rulings, and directing the legislative process.

Who can srop the president from making unwise agreements with foreign nations?
