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Q: When painting the ceiling should the second coat go in the same direction as the first?
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Which direction should a ceiling fan go?

A ceiling fan should blow downwards when used with cooling, upward when used with heating.

Which direction should ceiling fan push air in summer?


How do you change the fan direction on a ceiling fan?

There should be a small slide switch on the fan. Turn it off and let it stop then move the slide switch then restart it and it should go in the other direction. If you are smart enough to ask a question on you should be smart enough to change the direction of a ceiling fan!

When painting a small bathroom a red colour should the ceiling of the bathroom be painted red too?

I would paint the ceiling white, especially since the bathroom is small. If you are using a deep red color, it could make the bathroom appear even smaller, and painting the ceiling red could make you feel boxed in. A while ceiling will help to create a more open feeling.

If you have 13 foot ceilings which direction should the fans be turning?

In the winter time your ceiling fan should push the room air in an upwards motion and in the summer time the ceiling fan should push the room air in a downwards motion.

What preparation is required for painting interior ceilings?

When you paint a textured ceiling, you need to use a thick nap roller to roll over the bumps and crevices on the ceiling. You should also cover the floor and furniture for easy clean-up.

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Why a table fan turn in clockwise direction?

In this way, the shadow of the fan rotating at the floor is clockwise. Ceiling fans can be set up to rotate either way, many of them have a switch that will change the direction. Others can be wired to rotate either way. Typically they are designed to push air rather than pull it.

What ceiling fan blade edge should lead in the summer?

For most models your ceiling fan blades should be turning counter clockwise in the summer. As a general rule, the blades need to spin in the direction of the slope on the blades to create a downward draft which makes the air feel cooler. You should feel a draft or breeze when you are standing underneath the fan if it is turning in the right direction. If you do not feel that then you need to switch it to the other direction.

Does a ceiling fan break in?

It should not be necessary to 'break in' a ceiling fan.

After a leak in a ceiling the drywall seems solid but spackling compound flakes off after painting?

This could be caused by the drywall being damp. But you also shouldn't have any spackling compound there, - it should be drywall mud.

What do you do in the investigator's house on Counterfeit Island?

You are looking for clues to "The Scream," the stolen painting. The artist on Main Street should have told you that the Chief Inspector bought a painting from him without a frame. Go to the second floor and peel back the edge of the painting there.