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The destruction of the windmill is said to symbolize the failure of the second Five Year Plan.

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Q: When referring to the Russian revolution the destruction windmill symbolizes?
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What does the windmill stand for in Animal Farm?

The farm flourishes. The windmill is usedto grind corn, and another is being built. The animals have been told they don't need the hot and cold water.

What is the name of the battle in animal farm?

battle cowshed, battle of windmill

What does the windmill in Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?

The windmill represents industrialization. In Animal Farm, the windmill is their progress, all the work that they had poured into. Boxer is the hardest worker in the project (he represents the peasants of Russia).

Why is the windmill rebuilt with walls three feet thick in the book animal farm?

The great windmill symbolizes the pigs' manipulation of the other animals for their own gain. Despite the immediacy of the need for food and warmth, the pigs exploit Boxer and the other common animals by making them undertake backbreaking labor to build the windmill, which will ultimately earn the pigs more money and thus increase their power. The pigs' declaration that Snowball is responsible for the windmill's first collapse constitutes psychological manipulation, as it prevents the common animals from doubting the pigs' abilities and unites them against a supposed enemy. The ultimate conversion of the windmill to commercial use is one more sign of the pigs' betrayal of their fellow animals. From an allegorical point of view, the windmill represents the enormous modernization projects undertaken in Soviet Russia after the Russian Revolution.

Why does Phoenix's decision to buy a paper windmill bring the story to a satisfactory conclusion Or does it In the book a worn path?

Phoenix's decision to buy a paper windmill in "A Worn Path" symbolizes her undying love and devotion to her grandson. It shows her selflessness and determination in overcoming obstacles for the ones she cares about. This act brings the story to a satisfactory conclusion by highlighting the depth of Phoenix's character and the enduring power of love.

Why is the windmill built after all in Animal Farm?

The windmill is built in Animal Farm to provide electricity for the animals and improve their quality of life. It symbolizes progress and modernization, reflecting the idea of the animals becoming self-sufficient and breaking away from human control. However, the windmill also becomes a symbol of manipulation and oppression as the pigs exploit the other animals for their own benefit.

What is Latin for windmill?


What did they name the finished windmill in animal farm?

The great windmill symbolizes the pigs' manipulation of the other animals for their own gain. Despite the immediacy of the need for food and warmth, the pigs exploit Boxer and the other common animals by making them undertake backbreaking labor to build the windmill, which will ultimately earn the pigs more money and thus increase their power. The pigs' declaration that Snowball is responsible for the windmill's first collapse constitutes psychological manipulation, as it prevents the common animals from doubting the pigs' abilities and unites them against a supposed enemy. The ultimate conversion of the windmill to commercial use is one more sign of the pigs' betrayal of their fellow animals. From an allegorical point of view, the windmill represents the enormous modernization projects undertaken in Soviet Russia after the Russian Revolution.

How do the pigs feel during the battle of the windmill?

they are mad because they built the windmill. During the battle of the windmill they have to rebuild the windmill

What are 3 metaphors that are in the book animal farm by George Orwell?

The pigs' rise to power symbolizes the corruption of leadership through the metaphor of the animals being milked, like cows, of their hard work and resources. The windmill symbolizes the promise of progress and prosperity but ultimately serves as a metaphor for the exploitation of the working class for the benefit of the ruling elite. The commandments of Animalism represent the ideals of equality and justice, which gradually erode and are manipulated by the pigs as a metaphor for the perversion of revolutionary values for personal gain.

What does the windmill in Animal Farm represent?

The windmill is a symbol for Joseph Stalin's Five-Year Plans for the National Economy of the Soviet Union. Just as the windmill was promised to make the animals' life easier, the Five-Year Plans were intended to improve Soviet industry to the point where workers had shortened work-weeks.Analogous to the destruction of the windmill, several of Stalin's Five-Year Plans failed to improve work production. Also, as the animals decided to re-build the windmill, Stalin also kept producing many more Five-Year Plans, some of which were successful.

Working and uses of windmill?