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Sodium (Na) + Chlorine (Cl) ----> NaCl Table salt.

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Q: When sodium reacts with cholrine what is the product of he reaction?
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What type of product is formed on reaction of an alcohol with Na metal?

when sodium react with ethanol ,ethoxide and hydrogen are formed. this reaction is like when sodium reacts with water

What is the products of sodium oxide and water?

Sodium oxide reacts with water to produce only one product: sodium hydroxide. The equation for the reaction is Na2O + H2O -> 2 NaOH.

What are chemical properties for sodium?

Sodium is a highly reactive metal. It reacts with water to give sodium hydroxide, and with carbon dioxide to give sodium carbonate. It the reaction with oxygen, the principal product is sodium peroxide.

What product reacts with sodium chloride?

The reaction is: NaCl + AgNO3 = NaNO3 + AgCl(s) Silver chloride is a white precipitate.

Is sodium chloride a reactant or product?

It can be either, depending on the reaction. Sodium chloride is a product of the reaction of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Sodium chloride is a reactant in the ion exchange reaction in a water softener to remove calcium from hard water.

What is sodium reactive with?

sodium is white and metallic it is a metal that is essential for life. sodium carbonate reacts with sodium hydrogen sulfate to create a rapid reaction. sodium also reacts with aluminium hydroxide

the name of the product formed when sodium reacts with potassium?

sodium chloride

What type of reaction would you get when you combine sodium reacts with iron oxide to produce sodium oxide and iron?

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The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is-?

The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is

Why it is advisable not to pick sodium with fingers?

sodium reacts violently reacts with water often catching fire and exploding this reaction produces sodium hydroxide a strong and caustic base

When sodium reacts with water what does it make?

2 Na+ 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2 2H2 +O2 = 2H2O The second reaction is in there for a reason: Sodium reacts extremely violently with water. In fact, it creates a two-stage explosion. In the first stage, the sodium creates sodium hydroxide plus hydrogen and a LOT of heat. In the second, the hydrogen ignites to form water. The more sodium you use, the more reaction product you get and the bigger the explosion is.

What will happen if sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with sodium carbonate?

Any chemical reaction between these compounds.