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Yes, there was a place for animal sacrifice and burnt offerings.

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Q: When the Jewish Temple was standing did they offer animal sacrifices over there?
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Why isn't there Jewish animal sacrifices allowed in US?

All animal sacrifices stopped when the temple in Jerusalem fell in A.D.70. They can only take place at the temple, so we don't practise Korbanot any longer. And sacrifice was only ever one way to atone, for specific sins. It was never the main route to atonement. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is the sacrifice for Judaism?

Jews not longer make animal or vegetable sacrifices. Sacrifices were only made at the Temple in Jerusalem. Since the Temple was destroyed, we substitute prayer for sacrifices. Imagine all the cows we'd killing if we all had to do all those sacrifices!

When was the fall of the Second Temple and how did it affect religious practices and the perspective of the Jewish people?

A:The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The Jews had the tradition that animal sacrifices were only possible in the Temple, so its destruction meant that sacrifices ceased. In place of animal sacrifices, daily prayers were substituted. Although synagogues had already been the principal place in the Jewish diaspora, and to a lesser extent in Palestine, for reading and discussing the Torah, they now became the places for Jewish worship and daily prayer. The Jewish priests no longer had a central role and disappeared from history. The Sadducee sect, which supplied most of the priests, also disappeared. The teachings of the Pharisees evolved into what is now known as Rabbinic Judaism.

What sacrifices do Jews make?

None. Jews stopped making animal sacrifices in the year 70 CE. Answer Sacrifices can only be offered in the Temple in Jerusalem. Since the Temple was destroyed, sacrifice can not be offered. When we are not able to offer sacrifices, prayer replaces the sacrifice. This is specified in the Torah.

When did Jews stop sacrificing animals?

A:For several centuries, Jewish law had required that sacrifices only be made in the Jerusalem Temple. When the Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE, the Jews were henceforth unable to perform animal sacrifices.

Did animal sacrifices end at time of Jesus' crucifixion?

No. Jews ceased to perform animal sacrifices after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE. Pagans were forced to cease animal sacrifices in the year 391, when the Christian emperor, Theodosius, banned the public worship of pagan gods.

Why did the Jews consider the Temple to be holy?

The Temple in Jerusalem had the same importance throughout its existence: to serve God through ritual animal sacrifices. It was also believed at the time that prophesy could occur only with the existence of the Temple.All animal sacrifices and Jewish prophesy ended in the year 70 CE, when the Temple was destroyed by the Romans.Answer:The above contains mistakes: 1) Prophecy occurred throughout the Holy Land. That was never disputed.2) Jewish prophecy ended around 330 BCE.The Temple was also the most important center of Jewish law, since the highest Torah-court (Sanhedrin) was within its premises.

Would Jews have animal sacrifice if they had a temple?

No. Animal sacraficed stopped in 70 A.D. when the last temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. Clarification: Sacrifice was only applicable for unintended sin, and even then, was meaningless without atonement. Sacrifice can only be done in the Temple, when we are without the Temple, prayer replaces sacrifice.

Are sacrifices still performed at the Temple of Solomon?

A:What is known as the Temple of Solomon was the first temple in Jerusalem. This was destroyed at the start of the Babylonian Exile, as was the second temple in 70 CE. Therefore, there is no longer a temple in Jerusalem. Mark S. Smith (The Early History of God) say that child sacrifices appear to have been performed in the name of God during the monarchical period, although they were probably not common during the late monarchy. If so, it is likely that these sacrifices took place in the Jerusalem Temple.It is well attested that animal sacrifices continued to be performed in the Temple during the Second Temple period, up to 70 CE.

Is there any need for animal sacrifice on Passover?

There were two types of sacrifices during Pesach. The first was a communal sacrifice of a goat offered by the nation as a whole as part of atonement for any mistakes made by the community as a whole. The second was a sacrifice offered by every family, this was an offering of thanks and each family slaughtered, roasted, and ate a lamb for this. However, sacrifice can only be offered when the Temple is standing. With the second Temple's destruction in 70 CE, prayer replaced sacrifice as specified in the Tanach (Jewish Bible).

How do Jews feel about the old Temple in Jerusalem?

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Judaism's holiest site and, like so much in Jewish history, was almost completely destroyed. It serves as a mirror to Jews about how distant God feels in this day and age.

Why were people selling animals in the temple?

Well, they were not selling them in the Temple, they were selling them in an outer courtyard. Until it was destroyed, the Temple was a center where Jews brought animal sacrifices. The Torah, when it commands the sacrifices, says that you could bring your own animal, but if the distance was far, you could "turn your animal into money", then travel and buy an animal in Jerusalem to sacrifice. So, from the start, there was a livestock market at the Temple where animals could be purchased to sacrifice. The rules for sacrificial animals were fairly strict: The animals had to be without blemish. So, the market was under priestly supervision to assure that the animals sold there met the requirement.