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Q: When the liver makes glucose from non-carbohydrate substances such as fat or proteins the process is termed what?
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What happens in the process of gluconeogenesis?

glucose is formed from noncarbohydrate precursors

What is the process of breaking down food to release energy?

In the body, large food molecules (eg. carbohydrates, proteins) are broken down by enzymes to form simpler substances. for example, carbohydrase enzymes break carbohydrates down into simple sugars such as glucose. glucose is then used in the process of cellular respiration, within the mitochondria. this process releases energy.

What are the substrate for cellular respiration?

The substrate that begins the process of cellular respiration is most commonly glucose. It can also be proteins and lipids.

What is the process called when making glucose from non carbohydrate substances within the liver?


Which row in the chart below identifies the lettered substances in this process?

2. carbon, glucose, oxygen, enzymes

What is the process by which molecules such as glucose are moved into cells along their concentration gradient with the help of membrane bound carrier proteins called?

The process by which molecules such as glucose are moved into cells along their concentration gradient with the help of membrane bound carrier proteins is called facilitated diffusion. Facilitated transport is passive and does not directly require chemical energy from ATP.

What is putrefaction?

It is the decomposition of proteins and their conversion by microorganisms to simpler substances. Putrefaction is the process that affects dead tissue, or dead animals (or corpses).

What are the two substances that are routinely found in filtrate but not found in urine products?

Ions and nutrients

Gluconeogenesis describes the conversion of what?

This is the process by which the body obtains its needed glucose supplies by making it from protein rather than taking it directly from the blood sugar which is dumped into the bloodstream by the ingestion of sugars or the breakdown of starches.

What two structural characteristics of cell membranes determine whether substances can pass through them passively?

Diffusion and Filtration. Diffusion is an important means of passive membrane transport for every cell of the body. The other passive transport process is filtration, generally occurs only across capillary walls.

What process is energy converted to glucose?

I believe you may have misinterpreted a concept. You cannot convert energy into matter. However, if you meant "what process is glucose converted to energy?" then the answer would be glucose hydrolysis and the Krebs Cycle (for organisms involved in oxidative phosphorylation). It's a very beautiful process involving innumerable proteins and molecules =D.

Do plants store carbohydrates in the form of amino acids?

No, keep your proteins and carbohydrates separate. Amino acids are the monomers of protein molecules. Proteins are not used for energy, though due to their wide variety of functions, proteins are involved in the energy utilization process. Plants form glucose, carbohydrate monomers or monosaccharides through photosynthesis. They then bind together those glucose monomers into a polymer as starch or cellulose.