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The literal meaning is that you are standing face to face with someone, and your eyeballs are touching.

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looking at each other

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Q: When two people see eye to eye what does it means?
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What does it mean when two people see eye to eye?

It means that they agree on something.

What does to see eye to eye mean?

It means that you and another person agree.

Two different ways that people can see objects?

with one eye and another eye i think.............

What is eye contact?

basically means two people looking directly into one another's eyes.

How do you use cliches example they dont see eye to eye?

A cliche is an expression that is used very often (sometimes, too often). The example: they dont see eye to eye is another way (a cliche) of saying that two people do not agree on something. For example, a husband does not like jewelry but the wife does. You might say: The husband and wife do not see eye to eye on jewelry. MG

What does it mean if a dog has one eye a different color and the other is a different color two?

AnswerNothing is wrong with your dog it just means they are unique they cant see well out of the Blue eye but they are fine and beautiful to me.

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see eye two eye = ci ii

What makes the human eye see in the dark?

Inside the Retina the retina has two things that help the eye see in the dark and have colors. The one that can see in the dark is cone cells Inside the Retina the retina has two things that help the eye see in the dark and have colors. The one that can see in the dark is cone cells

Why does a snail have an eye?

It has two eyes, it needs them to see where it is going.

What has two e's and one eye but can't see?


Are you soulmates if two people get eye contact the same time and seeing them many times mysteriously?

no. But you can introduce yourself if you like, and see where that goes.

Who can see better a person with one eye or two?

Generally, 2.