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basically means two people looking directly into one another's eyes.

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Q: What is eye contact?
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Related questions

What is the deal with eye contact?

Eye contact can suggest intimacy or hostility.

What does not making eye contact mean?

Not making eye contact means not looking people directly in the eye.

How much is it for a contact eye exam?

On average the contact eye exam is $80.00.

Do people in Morocco make eye contact?

Yes. Moroccans make eye-contact with people that they are talking to. However, persistent eye-contact is often seen as rude. Moroccan behavior, in this regard, is much more similar to Western-style eye-contact than Eastern-style eye-contact.

How to get eye contact lenses?

You will need to visit an eye doctor and get a prescription for contact lenses.

Someone making regular eye contact with you?

Making eye contact is considered polite and shows that the person making eye contact is really listening to you if fact it show good social skills also if someone really likes you they might make eye contact with you but that depends if they are shy or not. -From someone who is really good at making eye contact in fact people even comment on my good eye contact :)

What is eye to eye contact in Japan?

Direct eye contact means disrespect in Japan, so dont do it unless you dont like someone.

Why do people with Asperger's Syndrome avoid eye contact?

All Autistic people have poor eye contact because it is not something that comes naturally to Autistic people. Eye contact has to be learned or mimicked by Autistic people, although even then because it's not something instinctive to us we often cannot maintain normal eye contact and it can be uncomfortable for us to try to maintain eye contact. Autistic children are more likely to have problems with eye contact than Autistic adults because they've yet to learn to mimic neurotypical eye contact or learned coping methods to deal with eye contact.

What part of the eye is similar to a contact lenses?

The part of the eye that is similar to a contact lens is the crystalline lens.

Should you make eye contact at an interview?

Yes! You definitely should make eye contact at an interview.

How Can you change your eye colour?

Colored contact lenses will do the trick.

Can i put contact lens solutions in my eye while wear contact?

Well no you shouldn't put contact lenses solutions in your eye while wearing contact lenses , that can harm your eye in long run, so pls avoid it .