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221-218 BCE.

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Q: When was Hannibal barca in cammond of Spain and its army?
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What Carthaginian leader started the second war by marching a large army from Spain into Italy?

Hannibal Barca.

What organization was Hannibal Barca a part of?

The Carthaginian army.

Who were the leaders of the carthaginian wars?

Hannibal commanded the Carthaginian army in the wars with Rome.

Who was the leader of the Carthaginian army who crossed the Alps?

Hannibal Barca.

Leader of Carthaginian army who crossed the Alps to invade Italy?

Hannibal Barca.

Who is Hannibal Backa?

I don't know who Hannibal Backa is. If you mean Hannibal Barca, he was the Carthaginian general who invaded Italy by crossing the Alps with his army and elephants.

Who took over commander of the Carthaginian general army in the Punic War?

Hannibal Barca.

Who was the famous commander that Rome defeated during the Punic wars?

Hannibal Barca led the Carthaginians whereas Publius Cornelius Scipio led the Roman army .

What was Hannibal's first major obstacle?

Notably , Hannibal Barca's famous crossing of the Pyrenees and the Alps with an army alongside war elephants .

Who was a general of the Carthaginian army that arranged there soldiers in a bulge in the center of the front lines?

Hannibal Barca.

Who surprised the Roman army by leading an attack by land from the north during the Punic War?

Hannibal Barca.

How many miles did Hannibal and his army travel after they landed in Spain?

Hannibal did not land in Spain. It was his father who landed in Spain and conquered southern Spain