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Q: When was the affordable health care act passed?
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No health insurance at all... 47 million Americans. ObamaCare/Affordable Health Care Act, passed in Congress in 2010

Who supports the affordable health care act?


How will the Affordable Care Act impact government community health initiatives?

One of the ways the Affordable Health Care Act will change community health initiatives is that our medical records will become part of digital record.æ

When did the affordable care act bill passed congress?

it is you si perr byo

What is the name of the health care bill?

H.R.3590 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Did Obama help craft a health care law called Affordable Care Act?


Did health care really pass?

Yes, the Affordable Care Act really passed and was upheld by the Supreme Court. Contrary to much of the erroneous information which is put out by the president's political opponents, the law is based on the very popular health care bill passed by then-Governor Mitt Romney for the state of Massachusetts.

How many pages was the largest bill passed by Congress?

314,900 words, "Affordable Health Care for American Act," 2009, Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.)

Will the health care bill pass in the US Senate?

Depending on which bill you mean, the Affordable Care Act of 2009 was passed in early 2010 and reconciled with the Health Care and Education Reconcilation Act by both houses. Health Care reform is thus law of the land. All other bills, including the one containing a public option, were striked from the schedule.

Do the provisions of the Affordable Care Act apply to long term health care insurance?

When originally passed the Affordable Care Act contained provisions for a program entitled "Community Living Assistance Services and Support" also known as CLASS. It was meant to be a voluntary program for purchasing long term care insurance. This portion of the law was repealed in January 3, 2013.

What is the role of health insurance exchanges under the affordable care act?

they help citizens shop for health insurance

Under the Affordable Care Act what is the role of health insurance exchanges?

They help citizens shop for health insurance