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Neither medicine nor hygiene were adequate to stop the disease, so it had to burn itself out. Pretty much everyone who didn't have natural immunity to the plague died, leaving mostly those who were immune.

Outbreaks began in Mongolia in 1330 and spread quickly to China and Italy and then to the rest of Europe and parts of Asia. Outbreaks in Europe went on until around the 1720s. Those in Asia continued until the early 1900s.

The disease is not extinct and still resurfaces at times where hygeine is poor. It's carried by rats and the fleas that live on them.

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13y ago

Bubonic Plague still exists in the world today. It can be treated if diagnosed in time.

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1/3, so that would be 33.3% of the population. 1/3, so that would be 33.3% of the population.The Bubonic plague wiped out a third of the Western Europe population

The bubonic plague known as the black death wiped out what percentage of western Europe's population?

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