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The first slave arrived in 1619 to the Virginia colonies.

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Q: When were Africans first brought to the United states to be used as slaves?
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The First Africans who came to the United states were?

I think they may have been brought over as slaves

How many africans were forcibly transported to the Americans between 1520 and 1870s?

There were 12 million slaves brought to the United States while slavery was legal. Many of these slaves were brought to colonial America.

How many slaves were brought to the Americas between 1500-1750?

12,000,000 Africans were brought to the Americas. Nearly 95% of them went to the Spanish colonies in Latin America and the remainder to the United States.

Where in Africa did the Africans came from?

If you mean Africans that live in the United States today, they are descendents of slaves that were brought to the Americas from the West coasts of Africa, in locations such as modern day Liberia, Nigeria, and Cote d'Ivoire.

How many africans were brought to the states between 1500 and 1800?

No African Americans until 1619 as slaves and by 1860 there were 6 million slaves.

What did the European do to the slaves?

they used them to sell in united states for money. They didnt believe that the africans had the right to be free because they were black.

The supreme court case involving La Amistad dealt with what issues?

africans kidnapped by the spanish and brought to the united states

Was there Africans in the US before slavery?

Africans were brought here through the triangular slave trade between European countries, Africa, and the New World. There was no other race in the Americans other than the Native American Indians before the European cultures came over, bringing the slaves from Africa with them. So, in short, no, Africans weren't a part of the United States territories before they were brought over through slavery.

Who else did africans sell africans to?

united states most logic .

How did slavery happen in the US?

Dutch ships brought slaves to the United States around 1619. The Dutch traded approximately 20 slaves for food and water.

When did Europeans and Africans came to America?

The first Africans as slaves, are introduced in America. A Dutch trader exchanges his cargo of 20 Africans for food in Jamestown Virginia, in August of 1619. It is believed that these Africans were sold into conditions similar to indentured servitude - a common practice in England and colonial America. The American slavery system became more developed and codified in its inhumane treatment around 1680. Did you mean America, as in the United States of America? Because all of the land mass south of the United States of America, is also America. The Iberians (Spanish and Portuguese) brought African slaves not long after they "discovered" the Americas in 1492. So it was in the 1500's.

What is the system of forced labor that brought many africans to the southern colonies?

The first few Africans that were brought to the US for labor were actually treated as indentured servants and eventually owned property. Slavery eventually took its place and did not only affect Africans, but also Native Americans and any people imported from nations that were not Christians.