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These are terms from the Medieval period of European drama.

* A Miracle play is a play that contains the instance of a miracle such as Christ restoring the sight to the blind. Supposedly the term could be expanded to include cultures in excess of Christianity but as the term is already archaic the realm of its application is rather set. This however doesn't restrict anybody from trying to expand it. * A mystery play (in the context that we have established here) is a play which attempts to explain or explore what were/are considered Christian mysteries, such as the nature of sin, the difference between men and women, etc. * A Moral play is one that attempts to teach some moral lesson. This term actually precedes Christianity, was popular in Ancient Greece but has come to be more associated with the medieval Christian era.

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Q: When were Miracle morality and mystery plays developed?
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Some plays were performed in churches. These would have been mystery plays, miracle plays, and morality plays intended to instruct in the Bible or issues of morality. Some plays were staged on special wagons set up for the purpose. These were performed in church yards sometimes. They were also staged in towns, at fairs, at crossroads where a lot of people might go by, and wherever the actors thought they could make money.

What was a mystery play in medieval Europe?

A mystery play was a theatrical production telling a story from the Bible. It was usually accompanied by antiphonal singing. It was distinguished from miracle plays, which told stories about miracles associated with saints, and morality plays, which told stories associated with Christian virtue. There were other types of medieval plays as well.A mystery play is a play that acts out a story from the bible, such as Noah's Ark or Adam and Eve. It also can be an allegorical play about Christian virtues. Such plays (also called moralities or miracle plays, depending on the subject matter) were one of the more significant roots of English drama. Everyman is the most famous of these plays. Shakespeare alludes to them when he has Hamlet say, "it out-Herods Herod", alluding to over-the-top portrayals of Herod in mystery plays about the birth of Jesus.reenactments of biblical stories

How did the church both nearly destroyed drama and also helped revived drama?

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What best describes the mystery play or miracle play?

Mystery Plays are plays that are adapted from stories in the Bible. They reached the heights of their popularity in the Middle Ages when most people were illiterate and the church was using them to teach Bible stories. Miracle plays are plays that are based on the lives of the saints. Since one had to perform miracles in order to be elevated to sainthood, plays which depicted stories about the saints' lives became known as Miracle Plays. Together they are sometimes referred to as Liturgical Plays.

How is a mystery play different from a miracle play?

A mystery play depicts stories from the Bible, focusing on aspects of Christian faith and doctrine, while a miracle play centers on the lives of saints and their miraculous encounters. Mystery plays aim to convey religious teachings, while miracle plays emphasize the lives of holy figures and their miraculous deeds.

What is the wagon used for?

A pageant wagon is a movable stage or cart used in the mystery and miracle play cycles of the 10th through the 16th Century. An example of one of these plays would be the Wakefield Mystery Plays.

What is the pageant wagon used for?

A pageant wagon is a movable stage or cart used in the mystery and miracle play cycles of the 10th through the 16th Century. An example of one of these plays would be the Wakefield Mystery Plays.

During what time period were biblical stories often portrayed?

We do not have any good historical record of the growth of theater during the Early Middle Ages, but we might assume the theatrical portrayals of Biblical stories developed during this time. Certainly, by the end of the period, which dated 476-1000 or so, Miracle Plays and Mystery Plays had both started to be important. The Miracle and Mystery Plays both fell out of favor during the High Middle Ages, which dated about 1000-1300. Nevertheless, these plays continued to be performed after that, and are still performed today. One church in London had plays depicting Biblical stories during the period of the tenth through sixteenth centuries. There is a link below to an article on Mystery Plays.