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its best really to wait until the fry are too large to fit in the mouths of their parents.any smaller and there is always a chance they may be eaten

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Q: When will goldfish fry be big enough to be put back in with their parents without risk of getting eaten?
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It is important to keep a household pet in its best condition. If a fish looks tired, it could be because it is tired, its not getting enough food, or possibly not getting enough oxygen from the water.Ê

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When goldfish are large enough, they are called carp. Tilapia is not a goldfish or a carp, although the species does have some similarity.

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With the permission of your parents- any age where you are old enough- and strong enough- to hold a gun. Without the permission of your parents, you will need to be 18.

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What are the goldfish prededors?

Goldfish are omnivores and cannibals so other larger goldfish can be predators to your smaller goldfish. Other predators are carp and koi. None swimming predators can include raccoons or house cats. Only place goldfish into an aquarium with other similar sized goldfish. By having a deep enough and wide enough outdoor goldfish pond with a few aquatic plants living in it for your goldfish to hide in, will help them avoid becoming prey to those predators.

Do goldfish die without air?

Yes, a goldfish's respiration requires Oxygen in order to work. Without oxygen, the fish's body could not perform essential bodily functions and would thus cause the fish to die. Oddly enough, if you were to put a goldfish in pure oxygen then it would still die. This is because it's gills need water in order to receive oxygen molecules.

Can you breed your goldfish in a ten gallon?

No. A 10 gallon tank is barely big enough to keep a single goldfish in.

Why is there a need for foster care?

Because many children have parents who can not or will not take care of them properly or at all. There are not enough adoptive parents to adopt all children without parents.

Can a goldfish be with a ghostshrimp?

No, Goldfish belong with goldfish with a few exceptions such as weather (dojo) loaches, apple or mystery snails, or bristlenose plecos; but only if you have a large enough tank.