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The use of a comma before the 'and' in a list should generally be avoided. Its use is acceptable when it assists in the meaning of a sentence, especially where one of the items in the list is already joined by 'and' (they had a choice between Croissants, bacon and eggs, and muesli).

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Q: When writing a list do you use a comma before and?
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When is a comma needed after parenthesis?

Use comma in a writing. Procedurel Text, Recounts Or others.

How do you use a comma when writing in expanded form?

I do not use commas.

Commas before and?

I assume that you are asking whether one should use a comma before 'and' when writing a series of items. For example: When you are going shopping, please buy milk, eggs, butter, and cheese. Unfortunately, there is no one concrete answer to this question. In fact, the question as to whether one should put a comma before the 'and' when completing a series is so hotly debated among grammar enthusiasts that it has received a name: the Oxford comma. Those who support the use of this comma before the 'and' argue that when a comma is not used, it makes the last two items seem as if they are part of one unit. For example: My favourite types of sandwich are egg salad, tomato, peanut butter and jam. Though technically it is not grammatically correct if one takes 'peanut butter and jam' to be a single type of preferred sandwich, it is a common misreading of the sentence. However, for those who do not support the use of this comma, the argument is that 'and' takes the place of the comma--that and literally has the same meaning as a comma in this context. An example would be this: I need to buy pencils, erasers, pencil crayons and looseleaf. There is no real 'right' answer to this question; it is merely a matter of consistency and personal preference. I like to use a comma before 'and', but if you don't, that is also fine. The important thing is that you remain consistent. If you are going to put a comma before 'and' in a list, then always do it.

When can you use a comma after and?

When its not used in a list for example you will need to stay safe here ,and remember to stay with us

When to use a comma before while?


Related questions

If you are listing something and you are using commas do you use a comma right before the and?

It depends on the style guide you are following. In American English, the comma before "and" in a list is known as the Oxford comma, and it's optional. In British English, the Oxford comma is typically not used. It's essential to be consistent in your use of the Oxford comma throughout your writing.

Do you use a comma after name?

Yes, it is customary to use a comma after someone's name when writing in English. For example: "Hello, John."

Is there a comma before and in a list?

Yes, it is common to use a comma before "and" when listing items in a series. This comma is known as the Oxford comma and can help to avoid confusion and clarify the items in the list.

When writing Jr after someone's name do you use a comma?

No, you do not use a comma before "Jr" when writing it after someone's name. For example, it would be written as "John Smith Jr." without a comma before Jr.

Do you use a comma before Jr?

Yes, you should use a comma before "Jr." when writing a person's name to separate the person's last name from the suffix. For example, "John Smith, Jr."

Use of comma in a list?

In a list, commas are used to separate individual items. For example, in a list of fruits like "apples, bananas, and oranges," the comma is used to separate each fruit. The comma before "and" in the list is known as the Oxford comma, and it is optional depending on the style guide being followed.

Should a comma be used before and?

If the word "and" separates a list of two items, do not use a comma. If the word "and" separates a list of three or more items, use of the comma is a matter of style. For example: Mary and I went to the store -- do not use a comma. Mary, Joe, and I went to the store -- use of the comma before "and" is optional. If you are writing for a business or other institution, you should refer to their style manual to determine their preferred usage. If you are doing a school assignment, refer to your English text book or ask your teacher for their preferred style.

Can you use a Semicolon before a comma?

It is not common to use a semicolon before a comma in writing. Semicolons are typically used to separate independent clauses or items in a list. If you feel the need to use both punctuation marks in a sentence, it may be a sign that the sentence could be rephrased or structured differently for clarity.

Do you use a comma before you?

There is not rule that says you must use a comma before the word you exclusively. You would have to use a comma if the sentence would require one. Now if you were writing down the slang of 'you are' you would write it like this; you're. There must have been a sentence example for your homework assignment and your teacher wanted to know if you needed to use a comma in that sentence. Here is an example of the correct usage of the comma. I celebrate Easter, you don't, but I do every year.

When writing a list of names do you add a coma after the last name before the and?

Yes, you should use a comma after each name in a list of names, including before the "and" that connects the last two names. For example, "John, Emily, and David."

Should a comma be used before the word and?

A comma before "and" depends on the context. Use a comma before "and" in a list of items (e.g., red, blue, and green). However, do not use a comma before "and" when it connects two independent clauses unless it is needed for clarity or to avoid confusion.

Do you use comma after and or before?

You generally use a comma before "and" only if it is separating two independent clauses in a sentence. Otherwise, you most often do not need a comma before or after "and" when it is used to connect items in a list or to join words or phrases in a sentence.