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you ovulate 3-5 days after the end of your period. Since the end of the cycle is muddy, meaning you drip and drab ---it's unclear. So we use the first day because most women remember when it was. Joymaker rn

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Q: When you are asked the first day of your last cycle is that because you have already conceived or do you conceieve 7-14 days after your period?
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When did you conceieve if your last period was May 12th and you missed your period for June?

I don't know when you conceived because I don't know when you had sex. Anyhow, if May 12 was your first day of last period then May 12 is your first day. June 12, then, would be 4 weeks pregnant IF you conceived after May 12 & before June 12.

Would you still get your period if you conceived the day before your period?

. It was confirmed by my OB-GYN that I had conceived the FIRST DAY of my period. My period was on time and I continued to have a normal, regular flow 6 day period. Hope I helped!!!!

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The scan date is from your last period.

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Charles Darwin

What happens if you've already conceived when you start taking birth control pills?

You should not be pregnant when you start taking the pills as you start taking them within a week of the start of your period and if you have a period you are 99.5% sure you are not pregnant. However if you are pregnant the pills will have no effect.

Conceived straight after period boy or girl?

50% chance of either.

When did you conceive if the due date is 11th September?

You would have conceived some time in December... You can work out when your period was that will give you some clue to when you conceived

When did you become pregnant if the first day of your last period was Nov. 4th and you conceived on Nov. 17th?

If you conceived on the 17th that's when you became pregnant.

Last menstrual period- april 6th . supposedly conceived april 20th . is it possible I could have conceived march 23rd which was 2 weeks before my lmp?

Yes, that is possible. You can still have a period while pregnant, thought it usually looks like spotting or gets lighter. You could have also conceived while on your period. I hope I helped!

Would you get pregnant while on period?

If you have unprotected sex while you were on your period yes you can get pregnant.

Can a girl be pregnant if she had already her period?

yes because the only time you cant is before you start getting period or during your peirod

Can you be pregnant on birth control when you get your period?

If you conceived on birth control you would not get your period or would receive a very unusual period for you. If you suspect pregnancy, perform a pregnancy test.