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Yes, definitely.

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Q: When you are chewing tobacco can that give you cancer in your mouth?
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Can Oregon snuff co-chew give you cancer?

Any form of mouth tobacco can cause mouth cancer.

Does chewing tobacco give a false DNA test?

No. Chewing tobacco does not give a false DNA test.

What is snuff?

A fine cut or ground tobacco. It was originally 'sniffed' up the nose, causing the user to give a big sneeze. Today, some use it like chewing tobacco in the mouth, that fells like sand in your mouth its so little.

Which tobacco product may be chewed or placed between the lower lip and teeth or sniffed through the nose?

Chewing tobacco dont do it it will rot your teeth out and give you cancer

Can chewing one piece of gum give you cancer?

A) We don't tend to 'eat' chewing gum, we generally just chew it and then dispose of it. B) Smoking affects you - seriously - no matter what else you may be doing. I don't think that the dangers you face from smoking are lessened, or increased, by chewing gum at the same time. If the gum is a Nicotine Gum, as used by people trying to quit smoking, then you are increasing the dosage of nicotine that your body is getting. Nicotine is highly poisonous.

How spit tobacco is harmful for health?

It can still give you cancer, i saw a video about a man who got into the habit from baseball and he ended up getting a cancer inside his mouth. He had to get half his cheek removed, part of his tongue, and one of his lymph glands too. Don't try the stuff, it doesnt even taste good. Terrible habit.

Can you give me a sentence for tobacco?

Tobacco is a plant in which the leaves are mainly smoked in pipes and cigarettes and consumed as chewing tobacco. It contains the stimulant nicotine.

What is the difference between cigarettes and chewing tobacco?

Both are addictive and make your teeth a different color. However, cigarettes are really deadly since it has chemicals that are not found, say, in a organic tobacco leaf. To give an idea, cigarettes have tar, nicotine etc.

Why is chewing tobacco so dangerous?

AnswerOther people do it because they think it's cool.Some people do it because there mom or dad did it.some people also do it for the buzz it gives u

What is a good topic sentence on tobacco use?

The only thing that tobacco use will give is Cancer. This can be used to spread awareness.

Is chewing tobacco less dangerous then smoking tobacco?

No! Its not safer at all.AnswerYes. It isn't safe, though. If you're looking for a safer way to ingest nicotine, check out Commit lozenges and the other nicotine replacement products. The lozenges should have much the same effect as chewing without the spitting and the cancer risk. REAL AnswerYes it is safer. Has anyone ever died from second hand spit? On a survey my firm has been doing for 27 years... After smoking for 10 years 8% got a form of cancer or lung disease. After chewing for 10 years 0.25% accumulate cancer and 1% got a gum disease.After 25 years 24% of smokers got cancer or a lung disease, and 1% of chewers got cancer, while 6% got a gum disease.Know the facts.