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Q: When you are trying to lose weight on an alcohol diet and coffee diet is that an eating disorder?
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Related questions

What is demi trying to spread awareness about?

the dangers of alcohol and eating disorder and cyber bulling

How do you get an eating disordear?

You can't just get an eating disorder. So if you trying, stop now.

Can you have an eating disorder without knowing trying to?

Can you have an eating disorder without knowing: yes Can you have an eating disorder without trying: yes Eating disorders are mental illnesses, not weight-loss aids, people don't develop an eating disorder on purpose. Often they won't know or believe that they are ill, which makes them difficult to treat. I don't know if this is what you were asking, the question is quite vague. So if this doesn't answer your question feel free to clarify.

Can you speed up the process by your body rids itself of alcohol?

No, the body metabolizes alcohol at a constant rate, and trying to speed up the process can be dangerous. Drinking water, eating food, and getting rest can help sober you up, but the only way to truly eliminate alcohol is through time.

Is Kaylie going to hurt herself in 'Make It or Break It'?

Well she develops an eating disorder and begins exercising vigorously and trying to lose weight.

What will the school do if they think you have an eating disorder?

The school may ask you to speak with a counselor, contact your parents, or recommend that you seek treatment..A friend of mine had an eating disorder and when she didn't confess they contacted her parents anyway, either way the school is just trying to help and if they suspect something be honest.

How much weight do you lose from starvation if you are 5'9'' and 160?

Starvation is not a good weight loss tactic; you're better off eating healthy and exercising regularly. "Trying" to get an eating disorder is not the way to go.

Why do emo people have eating disorders?

Without sounding like im trying to inforce a negative steriotype alot of emo's suffer from low self esteem and depression this makes them feel unattracted so in an attemp to lose weight they take on an eating disorder but they are no more likely to get an eating disorder than a none emo with love self esteem. Max

Can trying to gain weight lead to a eating disorder?

Yes it can. If you start counting calories it's easy to get obsessed by it. In order to gain weight, or loose it, you don't need to do that.

How do create an eating disorder?

You don't "get" an eating disorder like you do a cold. It is a condition that is psychological in nature and the eating disorder is a symptom of deeper feelings. Although some people are born with eating disorders, it can be triggered by stressful events in you life such as depression or little things like being called 'fat' or 'too skinny', it is a desire to change your appearance to greater extents. I also discovered from my parents that I developed an eating disorder around the time that I was sent to a nusery with abusive carers. At young ages it is possible for it to be triggered by someone around you dieting or being fussy with their food.

What disorder involves sudden and severe mental changes or seizures caused by abruptly stopping the use of alcohol?

This disorder is called alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It occurs when someone who is used to consuming alcohol regularly suddenly stops or significantly reduces their intake. Symptoms can include tremors, hallucinations, seizures, and in severe cases, delirium tremens. It is important for individuals with alcohol dependence to seek medical support when trying to quit to minimize the risks of experiencing these severe symptoms.

Does Astrid berges-Frisbey have an eating disorder?

No she's a healthy beautiful human being, while you are one desperate fat t#$t that is trying to accuse everyone and everything of "anorexia".. deal with it