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You can do it two ways. You can ask her to marry you in a romantic way and then go with her so she can pick out her own ring, or you can buy a ring and present it to her and ask her to marry you. If you buy the ring before and she refuses (I sure hope not) generally the jewelry store will take it back in 1 - 2 weeks. Here are some cute ways to give her the ring: Buy her a dozen red roses and put attach the ring box to a string hanging from the stem of one of the roses. If she takes the roses and doesn't notice the box you could look surprised and see "What is that hanging off there?" You could go to a nice restaurant and present her with the ring after you eat your meal, but whatever you do don't put it in wine or any other type of alcohol because there has been a few girls that have actually swallowed their engagement ring. Let us know how it turns out! Good luck!

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Q: When you ask a girl to marry you what are the rules like does the guy get a ring and how does it work?
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When a girl proposes who gets the ring?

Most women wait for the man to ask if she will marry him and a low percentage ask the man. If he accepts the idea of getting engaged then it is up to the man to provide the engagement ring and wedding ring. He will buy these for his fiancée after the proposal. If he would like a wedding band then it's up to the woman to provide that for him.