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As long as you aren't nursing anymore, you can start whenever, here's the catch. If you start your Birth Control right after your period it is effective almost immediately (check with the brand of pill you are using) because ovulation hasn't occured yet, if you start the pill any other time it is not considered effective until after your next period as ovulation may have already occured thus you could become pregnant, again.

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Q: When you finish nursing a child do you have to wait to get your period to start birth control?
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You had a period 2 months after you gave birth you have been taking birth control for 3 months stopped nursing and have missed 2 periods What could be the reason for missing your period?

the birth control is probably it.

If you missed a birth control pill and got your period should you finish the rest of your pack?

No, you should start on your new pact at the end of your period

Are you suposed to get you period on the first day of taking the inactive birth control pill?

no your are supposed to start the pill on the day u finish ur period

What happens if you start birth control on your period?

Your period may become lighter or finish earlier. This is completely normal. You cannot have unprotected sex until you've been on birth control for 4 weeks. Until this time, use a condom.

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

If you take a half of pack of birth control will it interrupt your monthly period?

It may possibly effect when you will get your period and/or you may experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding. If you only took a half of a pack of birth control pills and discontinued, you are at risk of becoming pregnant.You half to completely finish the pack of pills and take the birth control everyday at the same time in order for the birth control to remain effective.

What if you had your period early but your pill is not finish it is ok to continue to take or you stop even the 28 days is not finish?

You should continue taking the birth control pill as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

Can you get pregnant while nursing if your on birth control?

*ahem* yes

Your period ended today so when can you start birth control?

You can start your birth control the Sunday after your period.

Can you take birth control during your period?

Yes, you can take birth control during your period. You should take your birth control as directed regardless of bleeding.

Does birth control still work when you are on your period?

Yes but you dont get pregnant on your period even without birth control.

Will birth control cause a withdrawal period even if you are pregnant?

You get a withdrawal period AFTER you go off birth control.