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Q: When you lift something should you bend at the waist?
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When lift or carrying you should never do what at the waist?

You should not bend down at the waist and lift up a heavy parcel using your back muscles. Always bend down at the knees, keep your back straight, and lift using your leg muscles.

How do you pick up carry heavy loads from the floor?

Never bend from the waist. Instead, bend your knees and stoop; lift with your thighs and legs, keeping the load close to your body.

When traveling with an empty lift forks what position should the forks be?

waist high

How many inches around the waist should a 5 foot 4 girl be?

You should be about 27 or 26 inches around your waist. You should also weigh about 110 pounds and be able to lift about 10 pounds.

After a discectomy surgery should I ever lift heavy objects?

No, don't lift anything more than 5 pounds for the first 6 weeks and when you need to lift it, bend your knees.

How do you lift a heavy object?

To lift heavy object correctly means protecting the back and waist from strain and the ensuring that the full loading on you is on the muscles (of the legs and hands). To lift correctly, come as close as possible to the load. Keep the back as straight as you can. Lower the waist as low as possible and position your legs to carry the loading on you. Grab the load and lift. Spring and move your legs to reposition to required position.

How do you train a full-grown horse how to lift her feet if she kicks angrily every time a farrier tries to lift her feet?

you simply bend to her hoofs at the waist( your waist not hers) grab her hock and then grab her hoof A formally trained , experienced farrier should know how to handle a difficult horse. Somtimes the farrier has to be in the position you suggest to do his work. You bridle your horse, stand at her head and talk to her and keep her calm. In extreme cases , she may need a mild tranquilizer . Make sure the farrier greets her and pets her a bit brfore he starts working.

What is the best way to lift and carry a heavy object?

hold one side with one hand and the other side with the other side If you must pick it up by hand, keep your back erect, and always bend from the knees, not the waist.

When a guy hugs you by the waist?

Just leave him too it, if you're not used to it gently lift his arms up from your waist to around your back. But, he is just bonding with you and enjoying the time that he is with his dream girl.

Why should you stand with your feet hip distance apart and one foot slightly in front of other when carrying out manual handling manoeuvres?

It provides a more stable stance. But this is only one small part of working safely. If possible handle weight at waist height without having to bend down. If necessary, keep your back straight and lift items off the floor by bending your legs , only after assessing the weight. And, only lift weights you are physically capable of lifting. Otherwise, get someone else to help you lift weights over 25 to 35 kilos, as an example.

What is very physically hard to do?

Bend over with your head against the wall and lift a chair. Licking your elbow.

How do you use an incline board for sit ups?

Your upper body should be positioned below your lower body on the incline board. You should then lift your body upwards and bend toward the lower portion of your body. There will be more pressure and force on the lower abdominals.