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Deny it!! But only if he seems creeped out by it lol. If you're friends already, just try and get closer and figure things out--maybe he likes you too? some guys like when girls make the moves.

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Q: When your middle school crush sort of has a hint you like him what do you do?
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Does my middle school crush like me back?

Depends on if he likes you and how he treats you. And also if he gives you attention and impesses you.

How do you reveal who you like to your friend?

first say what is yours and give them hint about your crush and tell them not to tell

Why did your crush that likes you text your best friend first?

It depends on how old you are if your in highschool he/she doesn't like you if you in middle school there just nervous around you

How do you get a boy to like you who is not your friend and have had a crush on him and want to make him jealous?

ok you had a crush on a boy you like and dont know how to tell him so start talking to other boys and hang out with other boys and maybe he might get the hint you like and smile at him.

My best guyfriend that I've had a crush on is dating a popular girl that I really don't like what do I do when I'm in Middle School?

be happy for them and once they brake up GO FOR IT AND TAKE HIM

How do you find a crush?

well you find a crush by looking everywhere start at school, neighborhood etc. find people who is like you the most and people who you like there you go you have a crush

Who is Link in love with?

Zelda? xD Link has a crush on every girl in the game. (this sounds like it has a hint of Pokemon in it) so link is just like brock.

Your crush is in high school what period do you tell him tell him you like him?

Go for it!

Do they have stalls for showers at middle school?

Some do like a middle school called BSMS but some dont like kiser!

What does it mean if your crush who knows you really like him and are obsessed with him whispers to his friend while him and his friend both look and you and then he stands behind you?

That you're in middle school and you should forget about boys for a couple of years.

Are middle school boys shy to talk to girls?

when guys are shy to girls that means they like that girl.

What can you wear to school to impress your crush?

Depends! Why not wear something that makes you feel confident? If you like it, your crush will like it. Don't go over the top, be yourself.