

Where Jews taken from their parents and put to work?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Concentration Camps

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Q: Where Jews taken from their parents and put to work?
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What did the Jews do when Hitler put them to work?

They worked, and if they weren't well or strong enough to work, they were killed with the rest of the Jews who were killed.

What are the further steps taken after a gas leak is detected in an industry?

you put the Jews in and hope they die

Where did Hilter take the jews?

Hitler had the Jews taken to various Nazi concentration camps. One of the most well known camps was Auschwitz-Birkenau, where over a million Jews were put to death.

Why did Hitler made camps for Jews?

to have them incinerated and to have them work the women and children were killed and the men were put to work.

Were the Jews out to destroy Hitler?

No, Hitler was an antisemitic racist, he was out to destroy all Jews. Hitler was a evil man who killed all Jews at special camps he raped the women and put them in gas chambers or put them to work till death.

What did Hitler do to torture people?

how did Hitler torture people ? HE would put the Jews in "workcamps"there they would work...till they were shot or died from hunger or illness not only Jews would go to workcamps there was a attack in the small town of Lidice and all the nonjewish people were taken to work camps othere then the blonde and light colord eye children.he would also put the Jews in gas chambers and let them die a slow and painful death. In addition to that,many people were experimented on. Twins, triplets, ect were especially experimented on.

What are the cars called that the Jews where put into to be taken to the concentration camps called?

The cars were called "Cattle Cars". They were called cattle cars because that's what cattle were put into when they had to travel.

What did Jews do in the consitraion camps?

They were put to work, then people in charge would bring them to a shower and burn them alive

What did hilter do after World War 1?

hilter was racist we know tha6 for a fact i learned that in social studies class and he did not like the Jews he put Jews to work for him after ww1

When and what were the first measures taken by the Nazis against the jews?

The first thing the Nazis did to the Jews was put them in cincentration camps to be re-educated, this started as soon as Hitler became chancellor and was given the Enabling act in 1933.

Where do kids go when their taken away from their parents?

The state takes them and tries to put them in a good home

What is the holocaused?

The holocaused is a time when Hitler ruled and many Jews had to go to camps and were separated from their parents and siblings, eventually were put into a gas room to die.