

Where can nitrogen move?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Where can nitrogen move?
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How does nitrogen in the soil move into a cow?

nitrogen in soil is taken by the plants when that are growing. As cow eat plants these nitrogen present in the plants go inside cow body and converted into glucose for giving cow the energy to move etc...

Does nitrogen move in cycle?

Yes there is a Nitrogen cycle. 1) Nitrogen in the air 2) Nitrogen in the ground 3) Nitrogen in living tissues (protean) Nitrogen moves through these 3 places as a result of natural (lightening) and biological processes.

How nitrogen move to a non living to a living organism?

It has sulfur inside

How do elements such as carbon and nitrogen get move through the world?

Through the biogeochemical cycle.

What are the three cycles that move through the ecosystem?

Oxygen, energy, and reproduction.

How nitrogen look like?

Look at the air around you- do you see anything? About 80% of that air is nitrogen. As a gas, it has no color, no shape. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Why nitrogen gas diffuse faster at a higher temperature?

Molecules move faster at higher temps.

How does nitrogen gets in the air?

nitrogen molecules move into the air by diffusion of h2o2 coming from animals.

How does nitrogen move from the soil into the xylem?

Nitrogen is carried from soil into the xylem of plants. Without water plants cannot get nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil. Therefore water carries out more than one function to aid in the growth of plants.

In an ecosystem what happens to the atoms of certain chemical elements such as carbon oxygen and nitrogen?

1.) They move in and out of living systems.

How does nitrogen move from an abiotic element of the system to a biotic elemenr and back?

There are several paths.One of those is the Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria helps fix the nitrogen in the agricultural fields and passes that to plants.Plants when die release it again and goes somewhere else.The number of nitrogen atoms should remain the same unless it react with any other elements or compounds.

What are five different models that each help explain how matter and energy move through an ecosystem?

Water carbon nitrogen