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Many places sell trash compactor bags at retail prices. One place to look would be Amazon, which usually has the best prices on the internet. Another place to look would be the grocery store.

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Q: Where can someone buy trash compactor bags?
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Where one can purchase a broan trash compactor?

There are many different places to buy Broan compactor bags. Amazon offers them at a discounted price but one can also purchase them at Sears and Home Depot.

Where can I buy a trash compactor?

You can buy a trash compactor from many stores either in store or online. Sears has them and they have a very wide selection.

Where can you buy trash bags?

I think you can try FashionTIY.

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There are a lot of plastic trash bags on the market. Which one is the best one to get?

I've always used Glad plastic trash bags in my house. They are the best you can buy. You can't beat Hefty. They make the best plastic trash bags around. Definitely go with them.

Where do you buy garbage bins?

You can buy them at your closest convenicen store so get off your fat bum and walk then when you get there you need to dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty dance fatty

Someone who buy bags?

Just try FashonTIY.

What do you do when cats rip your trashbags?

the best thing to do is forgive your cat if he/she is yours and you need to take care of it then buy new trash bags.

What are REDMAX trash bags made of?

What difference does it make. You can't buy any anymore! Can't even find any on the internet.

Which trash bags are proven to be the leading ones?

You can find over 1,700 different shipping boxes at . They are very economical if you buy bulk.

Where can I buy the monster bags for yard leaves?

Monster bags for Halloween should be available at Kmart or Target. If you want more options, please see the following:

Are Glad or Hefty garbage bags recyclable?

Yes. They are made of polytethylene and 100% recycled (usually used to make park benches and other imitation-wood products). This is the advantage of recycling plastic bags instead of buying biodegradable, as biodegradable bags can only be composted (non-recyclable).They can be recycled. However you would have to empty the trash they hold into the trash can for pick up, then throw the Hefty or Glad bag into your recycling bin. A better choices would be to buy trash bags that are 100% biodegradable. The biodegradable bags begin to break down in 90 days. Regular plastic garbage bags like Hefty or Glad take 1,000 years or more to start to break down.