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Some pet stores, reptile stores, and a lot of websites mail them out (but the shipping fee is insane).

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Q: Where can you buy Frozen snake food?
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Where do you buy really good frozen and live snake food?

Any reptile retailer should have a good supply of frozen food suitable for the species they sell. As for live food - you would have to source them from a pet shop - or perhaps a breeder.

Can you feed snakes household food?

no. just buy frozen mice or rats, as they provide all vitamins that a snake needs.

Is it better for cornsnakes to eat live food or frozen-thawed food because dont live animals may have parasites?

While a snakes natural diet is live food that it has killed itself - it's more convenient for a snake owner if the snake will take frozen-thawed food.

Can you buy frozen pizza with food stamps?

Of course

How old does a corn snake have to be to eat live mice?

not very old, but it is much safer to buy frozen mice let them thaw and give it to your snake because live mice can have diseases that frozen mice can not have because of the temperature they are in

Where can I buy pre-packaged food that is green?

You can buy pre-packaged and pre-frozen green food at your market.

What is a snake diet?

Depending on the size of the snake, you can use anything from baby mice all the way up to large rabbits or bigger. Some snake will eat fish but not many that I have experience with. Both live and frozen can be used. I think frozen is better because then the snake does not think of motion to be food and will not trike at your hand.

Can and do baby glossy snakes eat frozen mice?

All snakes will eat mice. Whether or not a snake will eat frozen mice can depend greatly on the snake. Some snakes do not want to eat cold food. In fact, some snakes won't strike on cold food.

Will it hurt for a snake to eat a mouse that is still frozen?

Eating a frozen mouse can be bad for a snake. The extreme cold can hurt the snake, as it is cold blooded. And because the limbs are not flexible, the snake can be hurt internally.

Why should you buy fresh food instead of frozen?

We should buy fresh food instead of frozen because it requires 10 tomes more energy to produce and can increase the possibility of getting heart diseases by 0.2%

What do pet snakes eat?

Pet snakes eat live mice or frozen mice. A snake's diet consists of mice because other animals cost to much to constantly buy for your snake to eat.

Is buying frozen food good?

We have many good reasons to buy frozen food, including taste, convenience, and price. Since the food is frozen at its peak of freshness, all of its flavour and nutrition, as well as its texture, is locked in. And as you may have suspected, frozen food is more affordable than fresh—approximately 20 per cent cheaper.