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If you don't want to buy your dog from a breeder you can always adopt, many people don't realize this but one in every four dogs brought to a shelter is a pure bred. The best way to go about finding a specific breed of rescue dog is to look for breed specific rescue groups. The purebred rescue groups are usually run by people who are passionate about the breed. These rescue groups keep adoptable animals until they can be placed in loving permanent homes. These animals come from failed breeding operations, arrive from boarding kennels and veterinarians where they were abandoned, are rescued off the streets or are obtained through a local animal shelter.

To locate a rescue that specializes in Shih Tzus you you can contact your local animal shelter, (they may be aware of a Shih Tzu rescue group operating near where you live), check the classifieds section of your news paper or search the internet. Once you have contacted the group be sure to find out as much about it as you can, you want to know how it cares for its animals, how it decides an animal is adoptable, as well as what other adoption and post-adoption services are available.

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Q: Where can you buy a shih tzu puppy at n i dont want to buy it from a breeder?
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well, it depends where you are, shih tzu's are quite expensive and are quite hard to train(my friends shih tzu is very hard to train and is very big for a small dog!) my friend got her shih tzu from a barn breeder and he was the last one in the litter and he was left as he was not a champain colour. Do you want a champain colour shih tzu or a brown or black one? If you want a champain coloured one i would guess you would not get one for free unless they really didnt want it, or it was an older dog found in the Friday add, as they are the most popular colour for shih tzu's. Brown or blach shih tzu's are a lot less popular(im saying generally) and you may get them last in the litter to be sold (depends where you are). As I said it is quite rare if you would get a puppy shih tzu for free, but you could maybe look into a rescue centre? It depends what age, colour, etc you want! Good Luck! xx you would have to get it from a generous friend or stranger or in a box saying free!good luck with that

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an instructer groom showjumper jockey breeder or a trainer hope I've been a help :)

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It depends on your lifestyle and what you prefer. if you would prefer an older dog, then a rescue centre, such as Dogs Trust, but if you want a puppy then breeders are better, however never buy a puppy from a bad breeder, because that gives them more money to create more unhappy puppies. a good breeder will give you paperwork, ask you questions about your home and should have a large, open, clean area for the puppies. never buy from a breeder advertising more than 3 different breeds of dog.