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If there is no pet store in your area or lack of transportation is a problem try a mainstream internet source like, if you do not have a credit card you can get a preloaded card at almost every service station.

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Q: Where can you buy turtle food if you live in Annandale Virginia?
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Live at the Annandale was created in 2005.

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Amoung others, Dick Chaney and his family were neighbors of mine for a short time in the early 70's. We were all young families trying our best to make ends meet, while living in the Americana Fairfax apartment complex in Annandale, Virginia (Fairfax County)

What do you feed a cumberland slider turtle?

you feed them, maybe live fish, turtle and teripin pelets/food. They also like live blood worms.

How come Pet turtle used to eat pellet food now will only eat live food why?

Because the turtle don,t want to become a vegetarian anymore.

When a baby turtle enters the water do they live with their mother?

No, they live on their own, find food for themselves and try to live on their own. Therefore they live by themselves.

How could a baby box turtle live with out there parents?

yes it could as long as it has food and things to live as if it was living with its parents!

What is a fact about a turtle?

Did you know that turtles can live up to to three WHOLE years without food or water?!

How do you take care of 3 and a half inch snapping turtle?

A snapping turtle will need a box or aquarium to live in. He will need food and water and some rocks and plants.

Can you feed a baby yellow eared turtle hermit crab food?

Yes you can becausea turtle has a shell as well as a hermit crab. they both live in the water and eat simlar things.Yes you can because a turtle has a shell as well as a hermit crab.They both live in the water and eat simlar things.

Can your old turtle live with your new turtle?

no, it can not because it will not get along with your new turtle.

Do garter snakes eat eggs?

No, garter snakes do not eat turtle eggs. Garter snakes prefer live and moving food and turtle eggs are generally too large for them to swallow.

What does a turtle eat that can be brought from a store?

Yes, their food can be brought at a pet store. They like eating live blood worm(witch you can buy) and turtle and terpin pellets. They also like live fish(like gold fish) but i would let you pet store owner know that its for a turtle first.