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Q: Where can you find life insurance for a person who suffered head injury due to a car accident?
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How much time does a person have to report an injury from a car accident to insurance company?

how much time does someone have to reporty an injury from car accident in state of new hampshire

What are the auto insurance limits for CA?

There are no limits to insurance but there are MINIMUMS you must carry and they are: $15,000 for Bodily Injury Per Person $30,000 Maximum Total For Bodily Injury Accident Per Accident $5,000 Property Damage

What types of car insurance are required in Utah?

$25,000 per person for bodily injury, $50,000 per accident for bodily injury are required in Utah

Can an auto injury attorney negotiate with the other person's insurance company to get them to settle?

An auto injury attorney can negotiate with with other person's insurance company to find the best solution to the accident. The insurance company should handle the situation, and provide the best outcome for you.

What is the auto insurance coverage limit in North Carolina?

NC requires 30,000 bodily injury per person/60,000 bodily injury each accident/25,000 property damage per accident.

Does personal injury insurance cover death in a car accident?

It is meant to protect you in case you injure or kill another person.

Does the state of Georgia require PIP car insurance?

Georgia does not. Instead, you must have $25,000 per person bodily injury. $50,000 per accident for bodily injury on two or more people. $25,000 per accident for property damage. It doesn't say anything about PIP insurance.

When an individual has an automobile accident and someone is injured are they required to complete an accident injury claim with their insurance company?

When people have accidents in their automobile and someone is injured it is required to report it to the police and to their insurance company. This is because the injured person may need a doctors care and the person responsible for the accident is the one that will be required to pay through their insurance company.

What type of attorney should one seek for a whiplash accident claim?

Someone who suffered from whiplash during an accident should get in contact with a licensed Whiplash Injury attorney. The person can also use an attorney that handles general accident claims.

What insurance is required by the state of Texas?

if you are talking about auto insurance (I have to ask since your question is in two different categories) then the minimum required insurance levels for Texas are:Bodily Injury per Person: $20,000Bodily Injury per Accident: $40,000Property Damage: $15,000

How do you determine the value of scarring due to the negligence of another person in an accident when reporting it to the insurance company?

If someone is seeking damages from an injury as a result of an auto accident and they are not satisfied with the offer from the insurance company I would suggest that a lawyer be consulted.

How long do you have to file a insurance claim from a car accident in Oregon before it is not vaild?

Insurance polices and carriers differ. A person would need to contact their insurance company to see how long they have to file a claim. In Oregon, a person has up to 10 years to file a personal injury lawsuit in court for a car accident.