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Q: Where can you find squaw bread and what is it called now?
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What is squaw bread?

Squaw bread is a rye and molasses bread* that was developed by the combination of the Germans (the folks to whom most of my research pointed when trying to determine this) who immigrated to the US in the 1800's and the Native Americans near whom they lived. When some of the Germans chose to move west they took with them seeds for rye and recipes from their homeland. They turned to the Native Americans for substitutions for the ingredients to which they no longer had access. The word "squaw" which once meant "woman" has changed over the last couple of centuries and is now considered a serious insult. Some people, Native American and not, even believe it to mean "vagina", so though the entomology is not clear, think of the word "squaw" as you would any other racial insult. Because of this, the name of the bread is changing slowly. The new names that are being used for this bread are "Indian Princess Bread" and "Indian Maiden Bread." *this bread is NOT the same as Indian Fry Bread.

Who made squaw canoe?

Don't know if there was more than one manufacturer for "Squaw Canoe" or not, but Rivers & Gilman Moulded Products, Inc. of Hampden Maine, manufactured an "Indian Brand Canoe" labeled as "Squaw Canoe". I believe they are out of business now.

What country does lava bread come from?

Wale's My great nan was welsh and she would bring back fresh Lava Bread from wales to birmingham were we called it COW PAT lol im in Australia now and can not find a good substaute unfortunatly

Which colonies were called the bread colonies and why?

AnswerThe bread colonies were the states we now call the mid-atlantic States - the western half of Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware. They were called bread colonies because of their large grain export.

If you toast bread is it still bread?

yes, it is now toasted bread or toast for short.

What object weighs 25 grams?

On average a mouse weighs 25grams also a slice of bread. Now if you are trying to find a counterweight for a humane mousetrap then a slice of bread is probably not a good idea!

What does the bread mean in french i need to know now?

the bread -- le pain

What is the price of bread now?

Prices depend on where exactly you buy the bread, when exactly you buy the bread, how much bread you buy and what brand you buy.

What is an Indian woman called?

Squaw, from the Massachuset (Algonquian) eshqua, was commonly used for a North American native woman. Perhaps a little insensitive nowadays. Red Indian is insulting and 100 years out of date. Names for native American or first nations women include Mary and Jane. Notes on term usages: Squaw originated as simple term; it was quickly changed however to represent an Indian woman who sold herself for sex. There are very few Native Americans today who would not perform 'brutal acts of savage conduct' on you for using the term today. The same goes for the term "Red Indian" or "Redskin" although your chance of survival is higher with the use of the latter terms. Native American women are called: Women, Woman, Mother (as by us they are likened to the Great Spirit), Lady, Ma'am, Mom & Mother; Susie, Tara, Lisa - and more. These people, these human beings, are different from you in only their cultural belief systems.

What is cumin seeds in kannada called?

Yah, now I am able to find it, it is "Jeerige"

How big do pure bread germen shepards grow?

I do not now

What did the disciples dip their unleavened bread in?

they had unleavened bread and wine (which was more like our grape juice than wine now)