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Q: Where did Egyptians weigh their heart?
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Why the Egyptians weigh the heart?

The Egyptians weighed the heart of a dead person to see if they were good or bad and if they were good they would be granted a place in the afterlife paradise and if they were bad then the monster of three different animals Aamett, eat their heart.

What were the Egyptians' beliefs about the afterlife?

The Egyptian god Anubis would take the deceased's heart and weigh it against "The Feather of Truth". If they were the same weight (or the heart was lighter), the deceased would be allowed to move on to the afterlife. If the feather was lighter then the deceased was sent to what the Egyptians believed was the "underworld".

What did Egyptians believe about the afterlife?


What did the Egyptians believe the heart was used for on the afterlife?

The Egyptians thought the heart was the centre of intelligence and emotion. hope i helped you!! :P

Why did the Egyptians not remove the heart in the mummification process and why why did the Egyptians not take out the heart in the mummification process and why?

The heart was kept in to be weighed in the afterlife.It was the only internal organ that was not removed.

This is the Egyptian form of heaven?

The Egyptians believed in an Afterlife. If you did good deeds your heart would weigh less than a feather if you didn't do enough good deeds your heart would weigh more. The Egyptian Afterlife god who ruled the Underworld weighed your heart and if it weighed less than the feather on the scale you were permitted to enter the Underworld but if it weighed more, you were rejected.

What internal organs did Egyptians remove?

The brain and heart because Egyptians weighed them. So they can see if they are bad or good. for example if the heart is heavier they are good.Technically the Egyptians removed every single organs BUT the heart because they believed that the spirit only needed its heart to travel into the afterlife.

Why did ancient Egyptians not remove the heart from the mummy?

It is thought that the Egyptians left the heart in the body because they believed it was where the soul sat. It also needed to be weighed on the journey to the wasn't removed because the Egyptians believed that they would need their heart in the after life

What religious belief in ancient Egypt is connected to mummies?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the dead would go into the afterlife . The dead will weigh their heart on the feather of truth If their heart was lighter, the dead would proceed on their afterlife . But, if the heart was heavier, it would be eaten by ammut , a crocodile/ hippo god

Where was mummification invented?

The anubisThe ancient Egyptians. They claim Anubis invented it.

What organs did not the Egyptians remove?

The heart they thought it was there source of knowledge and memories.

What did ancient Egyptians believed to be true of the heart?

The heart kept you alive for eternity in the afterlife!