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Steve Jobs had nothing to do with the original design of the Macintosh computer. Jobs was working with the group creating the Apple Lisa computer when the Macintosh project was started by Jef Raskin. Raskin created a team of Apple engineers and designers to work on the Macintosh. Jobs left the Lisa team and started working with the Macintosh team but Raskin did not like the ideas Jobs was coming up with and so left the Macintosh team leaving Jobs in charge.

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the same way Issac Newton discovered gravity.

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Steve Jobs did not invent the Apple computer. Steve Wozniac invented the Apple computer in his home in Los Altos, California.

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He stole it from Steve Wozniak.

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Who invented Macintosh computers?

Steve Wozinak, invented the Apple, and Steve Jobs, the current CEO of Apple, Inc., had the idea of selling it

Why did Steve Jobs build the first Macintosh?

Steve Jobs was a late comer to the Macintosh project which was started in the late 1970s by Apple engineer Jef Raskin who was joined by a team of Apple employees. Jobs was working on the Lisa computer at the time. As the Macintosh idea grew Jobs took over the project and Raskin eventually left after conflicts with Jobs. The Macintosh adopted many ideas that Jobs brought from the Lisa and it eventually more resembled Jobs' ideas than Raskin's. The Lisa was too expensive for a mass market product so Jobs wanted to push the Macintosh design as an affordable computer using the then innovative mouse and a graphical user interface rather than a command-line interface.

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I belive it was Steve Jobs. Apple Computer

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The Apple I computer was designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs, Wozniak's friend, came up with the idea of producing more of them and selling them.

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Steve Wozniak was the main inventor along with help from Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne.

Where did the iMac come from?

The i originally was for Internet. That explanation was actually an afterthought. According the the 2011 biography of Steve Jobs, the "i" prefix was first used in Jobs's job title when he returned to Apple. The CEO had been ousted but Jobs was reluctant to take on the title because he was also involved in Pixar. Thus he took on the title of "interim CEO", iCEO for short.

Who build the first apple computer?

Apple Computer Inc.; the same company that makes them now. Apple was incorporated on April 1, 1976.

Who engineered the apple computer?

The first computer, the Apple 1 was hand built and designed by Steve Wozniak and the idea to market the Apple 1 came from Wozniak's friend Steve Jobs.

Iventor of the Apple computer?

The first computer, the Apple 1 was hand built and designed by Steve Wozniak and the idea to market the Apple 1 came from Wozniak's friend Steve Jobs.

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