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The current best theory of the origins of modern man point to western Africa as the place where first animals that can be called Homo Sapiens appeared. The earliest fossil that has been classified as Sapiens was found in the valley of the Omo river in south-western Ethiopia and are dated at around 190,000 years old.

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1mo ago

Homo erectus likely originated in Africa around 1.9 million years ago before spreading to other parts of the world. Fossil evidence suggests that Homo erectus was the first hominin species to migrate out of Africa and colonize different regions, including Asia and Europe.

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12y ago

The answer would simply have to be Homo heidelbergensis. Heidelbergensis lived in places like Europe and Africa. The heidelbergensis living in Africa adapted to the heat and evolved into our species, Homo sapiens, while the heidelbergensis living in Europe, evolved to adapt to the cold of Ice Age Europe, and in turn eventually evolved in a species perfectly adapted to the harsh conditions there-in short, they evolved into the Neanderthals.

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15y ago

Homo erectus is believed to have been the first hominin to leave Africa

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Yes the Homo Erectus did have leisure, They had game hunting to practice!

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Homo erectus and Homo ergaster are two distinct species within the Homo genus. Homo ergaster is considered to be an African species that eventually evolved into Homo erectus, which was more widespread and inhabited both Africa and parts of Asia. Homo ergaster is generally seen as a transitional species between Homo habilis and Homo erectus.

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Homo Erectus isn't exctinct it just doesn't exist any longer because it evolved over time into Homo Sapien.

What is an alternate term for homo erectus?

An alternate term for Homo erectus is "upright man" or "upright human."