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Karma, good or bad, doesn't exist. It's a concept of asian religions, like Hinduism, which believe in rebirth cycle. They believe that you should collect good karma by doing good deeds in life so you would rebirth into a better being after death and continuing this cycle eventually free from the rebirth and obtain nirvana, ultimate state of good feeling.The whole concept is wrong though, since it implies that there are inferior beings, inferior humans, and it keeps the Caste System working in India. All beings are the same in value, no are higher than others, and rebirth is only a myth they like to believe in. So is nirvana and so is karma.

You should do good in life of course, but you don't need the concept of karma for that. Since you cannot rebirth into a new life, you should even more make your only life worth it, do good to people around you, and they will do good to you. That feels sincerely more nice than the idea of imaginary nirvana.

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Who started karma?

Karma is a Sanskrit word which literally means action, as in action and re-action. Cause and effect. ____ The precise origin of the term is not known. The concept of Karma may have originated in the shramana tradition, before the first century bc.

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The Catholic Church does not believe in karma.

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Karma in Tibetan is written as "ཀརྨ" which is pronounced as "karma".

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Karma to Burn - Karma to Burn album - was created on 1997-02-25.

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In Fallout 3 you can have either Very Good Karma (750-1000, Good Karma (749- 250, Neutral Karma (249- -249, Bad Karma (-250- -749) or Very Bad Karma (-750- -1000). So Bad Karma would be the second worst Karma. If you mean "What Is The Second Worst Karma Rank" as in the title for very bad Karma @ lvl 29; then it is Demon Spawn.

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Hinduism has no special symbol for 'karma'. However, in buddhism, the 'wheel' is the symbol of karma.

Is there a symbol for karma?

no there is not a symbol for karma see if you look in the social studies textbook there will not be a symbol for karma.

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Sun Karma is 5' 8".

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Karma Camille's birth name is Shelley Ann Hiserote.

Who do karma applies to?

Karma applies to all human beings who are born on earth. We create Karma; we live and die as per our Karma and then we are reborn. Everything that is born, animals, insects, even plants, they are Bhoktas, they are experiencers of past Karma. But only human beings create new Karma. Therefore, Karma applies to human beings in terms of creating Karma, but it applies to all living creatures in terms of redemption. The only way to escape Karma is through the realization that we are not the body that is suffering the Karma, not even the mind and ego that is creating the Karma, we are the Divine Soul. Then we are liberated from all Karma and we are free from the cycle of death and rebirth.