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concord,Massachusetts haha

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Q: Where did the American colonist win their first battle in the revolutionary war?
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Was the battle of lexington and concord at the beginning middle or end of the war?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first battle of the American Revolution.

The first battle of the Revolutionary War?

The first battle of the American Revoutionary War was in Lexington.

The event that caused the first real shooting between the british and American colonist was?

The skirmish at North Bridge in Lexington, Massachusetts is well known as the first battle of the Revolutionary War. However, it is really unknown when the first shooting happened.

Where was the first battle of the American revolutionary war fought?

At Lexintgton and Concord.

What was the first American revolutionary war battle?

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Where were the first shots of the American Revolutionary War fired?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Which major Revolutionary battle was the first battle fought in a southern colony?

The first battle fought in the southern colonies during the American Revolution was the Battle of Charleston.

Which major revolutionary battle was the first battle fought in the southern colony?

The first battle fought in the southern colonies during the American Revolution was the Battle of Charleston.

Name the first major battle of the American revolutionary war?

Depends on what you call a battle. Most people count the Battle of Concord on April 18, 1776 as the first major battle.

In which state did the first battle of the revolutionary take place?

The first battle of the revolutionary war was at Lexington

Where was the first battle of the Revolutionary War fought?

The first battle of the American revolutionary war was in Lexington, MA and then the British went to Concord hoping to find ammunition

The first battle in the Revolutionary War?

the first shots fired in the revolutionary war was at the Boston massacare. where british troops opened fire on a group of colonist protesting british rule. it is known as the shot heard around the world. occurred in1770. first battles were lexington and concord.