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The cave lion lived 10 000 years ago in what is now Europe. It is called the cave lion because remains were found in large caves, though biologists doubt they lived in them. It sometimes lead to conflict with early humans. It eventually migrated to Africa, where it's descendants live today. It lived near forests, grasslands, and mountains.

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Q: Where did the cave lion live?
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What kind of shelter does the lion need?

i suppose a lion will need to live in an open area maybe like a cave hope this helped. :D

What is the name of the cave of lion and lionesses?

a cave

Who would win a fight African Lion or a prehistoric cave lion?

African Lion  

Is a liger also a cave lion?

No. Ligers are hybrids. Ligers also exceed the size of any prehostoric cave lion.

Do tigers live in Greece?

No. Currently there are only two species/breeds of lions that are alive. They are the African Lion and the Asiatic Lion. Other species of Lions like the European Lion, the American Cave Lion and the Barbary Lion were all hunted to extinction centuries ago.

What were the cave lion's ancestors?

The cave lion (Panthera spelea) ancestors were the Panthera Leo fossilis, which inhabited Europe about 700,000 years ago. There are some indications the cave lion may have existed as recently as 2,000 years ago in the Balkans.

Did lions not live in America?

At present NO. But in the prehistoric times, YES. Cave lion used to live in some part of the united states about 11k years before. This was the biggest known cat.

Who would win sabber tooth tiger or cave lion?

the cave lion is more likely the winner in this battle, here are some reasons cave lion is a bigger predatory than the sabertooth cat also it's stronger and faster than the sabertooth cat.

In what era did the cave lion live?

It lived from 370,000 to 10,000 years ago but there are some signs of cave lions living around 1200 A.D.

Why were cave lions hunted?

cave lion don't have enough food so the sabertooth ate them

What type of animal was the cave lion?

It would be a cat

What was the cave lions life cycle?

Cave lions are an extinct species but we assume they reproduced in pretty much the same way as modern lions, viz by copulation between a male and a female lion resulting in the female becoming pregnant, carrying the fetus for some period of time and then giving birth to the cub via live birth.